Formulas > Brunette > Rich Mocha Brunette

Rich Mocha Brunette

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  • Natural Level


  • Formula A

    1 oz. Matrix COLORINSIDER 7WM (7.38) + 1 oz. 20-Volume (6%) Matrix COLORINSIDER Oil-Cream Developer

  • Formula B

    ½ oz. COLORINSIDER 5BC (5.54) + ½ oz. 7BC (7.54) + 1 oz. 10-Volume (3%) COLORINSIDER Oil-Cream Developer

Nothing is more classic and sophisticated than a dimensional, rich mocha brunette. This hue was created using COLORINSIDER™ from Matrix, fusing an ammonia-free haircolor experience with true, sharp and saturated color.

Who Did It

Colorist: Jamie Batzel
Photographer: Richard Burbridge
Manufacturer: Matrix, @matrix

Products Used


  • Natural Level


  • Formula A

    1 oz. Matrix COLORINSIDER 7WM (7.38) + 1 oz. 20-Volume (6%) Matrix COLORINSIDER Oil-Cream Developer

  • Formula B

    ½ oz. COLORINSIDER 5BC (5.54) + ½ oz. 7BC (7.54) + 1 oz. 10-Volume (3%) COLORINSIDER Oil-Cream Developer