Formulas > Blonde > Pastel Blonde from Schwarzkopf Professional

Pastel Blonde from Schwarzkopf Professional

close formula
  • Starting/Natural Level

    Level 7 with Level 9-5 ends

  • Formula A

    30g BLONDME CRYSTAL Lightening Powder + 90g BLONDME CRYSTAL Transparent Gel Developer 6% (20-volume)

  • Formula B

    30g BLONDME Toner ICE + 30g BLONDME Premium Care Developer 2% (7-volume)

  • Formula C

    30g BLONDME Toner STRAWBERRY + 30g BLONDME Premium Care Developer 2% (7-volume)

  • Formula D

    20g BLONDME Toner STRAWBERRY + 20g BLONDME Tone Softener + 40g BLONDME Premium Care Developer 2% (7-volume)

  • Formula E

    10g BLONDME Toner STRAWBERRY + 30g BLONDME Tone Softener + 40g BLONDME Premium Care Developer 2% (7-volume

Who Did It


  • Starting/Natural Level

    Level 7 with Level 9-5 ends

  • Formula A

    30g BLONDME CRYSTAL Lightening Powder + 90g BLONDME CRYSTAL Transparent Gel Developer 6% (20-volume)

  • Formula B

    30g BLONDME Toner ICE + 30g BLONDME Premium Care Developer 2% (7-volume)

  • Formula C

    30g BLONDME Toner STRAWBERRY + 30g BLONDME Premium Care Developer 2% (7-volume)

  • Formula D

    20g BLONDME Toner STRAWBERRY + 20g BLONDME Tone Softener + 40g BLONDME Premium Care Developer 2% (7-volume)

  • Formula E

    10g BLONDME Toner STRAWBERRY + 30g BLONDME Tone Softener + 40g BLONDME Premium Care Developer 2% (7-volume