Formulas > Hair Color > Mocha-Toned Transformation

Mocha-Toned Transformation

@paintedhair using color gels to create a fresh healthy hue on her client
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  • Formula A:

    Redken Shades EQ 7G + Shades EQ Processing Solution

  • Formula B:

    Redken Color Gels Lacquers 5CB + 10-volume Redken Pro-Oxide Cream Developer

  • Formula C:

    Shades EQ 5CB + Shades EQ Processing Solution

Transformations CAN happen in one appointment! BTC Team Member @paintedhair is one of our go-to color gals for correcting, painting and transforming her clients’ haircolor—and they always leave her chair looking Insta-approved. Watch her video below taking her client from a grown-out hue to a healthy brunette shade in one appointment. She fills the canvas first, then applies Redken Color Gels Lacquers at the root before melting into the matching Shades EQ formula for a seamless outcome. Check it out!



A post shared by Patricia Nikole (@paintedhair) on


Who Did It

Manufacturer: Redken, @redken

Products Used


  • Formula A:

    Redken Shades EQ 7G + Shades EQ Processing Solution

  • Formula B:

    Redken Color Gels Lacquers 5CB + 10-volume Redken Pro-Oxide Cream Developer

  • Formula C:

    Shades EQ 5CB + Shades EQ Processing Solution


1. To start, fill the hair with Formula A. Leave on for 20 minutes to create an even canvas for the darker colors to hold onto.


2. Next, apply Formula B at the root and work down toward the midlengths. Then, melt Formula C into Formula B and work through the ends.