Formulas > Hair Color > MIDNIGHT ROSE FORMULA


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  • Formula A

    #myDENTITY @guy_tang Magnum Powder Lightener + 20-volume developer

  • Formula B

    #myDENTITY @guy_tang Demi-Permanent 5MR + Demi-Permanent 6RR + 10-volume developer

  • Formula C

    #myDENTITY @guy_tang Super Power™ Direct Dye Crimson Spell™

Instagram via @jackies_haircreations

We like our hair like we like our wine: Deep, red and full-bodied. We recently landed our eyes on Chicago colorist @jackies_haircreations’s “Midnight Rose” balayage and had to find out the details! Keep scrolling to learn how to achieve and maintain this technique. 


Who is this technique for?

Reds are know for being super high-maintenance, but this look is for the client who wants something fun without as much commitment. Because of its teasylight and foilayage foundation, this technique will allow your client to enjoy this look as it grows out seamlessly.



How long does this technique take and what is the maintenance?

It varies based on the density and length of each client’s hair, but this process generally takes Jackie about three hours start to finish. A red refresh service can be performed between lightening appointments whenever the client wants to punch up their color. This involves Jackie applying #mydentity @guy_tang Crimson Spell™ Super Power™ Direct Dye on dry hair for 30 minutes. 


In terms of at-home maintenance, Jackie loves to send her clients home with a color bomb. This is simply a mix of Olaplex No.3 and a few drops of Crimson Spell™ Super Power™ Direct Dye. Clients can apply this at home to refresh their color whenever they feel necessary. 


What is the pricing for this technique?

Prices can vary based off the client’s hair and amount of product used, but generally Jackie charges $250 for this service.


Who Did It

Colorist: @jackies_haircreations

Products Used


  • Formula A

    #myDENTITY @guy_tang Magnum Powder Lightener + 20-volume developer

  • Formula B

    #myDENTITY @guy_tang Demi-Permanent 5MR + Demi-Permanent 6RR + 10-volume developer

  • Formula C

    #myDENTITY @guy_tang Super Power™ Direct Dye Crimson Spell™


1. In the desired placement pattern, tease every other section and apply Formula A in foils.


2. Once hair is lifted to a Level 7/8, rinse, towel-dry and apply Formula B. Process for 30 minutes.


3. Rinse and apply Formula C for 10 to 15 minutes for added color longevity.


4. Rinse again and style as desired.