Formulas > Hair Color > Fiore (Chocolate Amber) Color Technique
Last updated: December 28, 2017

Fiore (Chocolate Amber) Color Technique

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  • Formula A:

    Aloxxi TONES 7GV + 7-volume activator

  • Formula B:

    Aloxxi CHROMA 8N + 20-volume developer

  • Formula C:

    Aloxxi CHROMA 10NT + 30-volume developer

Transform ordinary brown into an extraordinary blend of amber, topaz and chestnut hues. In the Aloxxi Color Personality lexicon, the end result is called “Give Pisa a Chance,” and it was created by Aloxxi International Artistic Advisor Teri Dougherty along with Marilyn Cole and Angel Gonzalez. Rich, multi-tonal and insanely shiny, Give Pisa a Chance offers the perfect blend of wearability and high fashion!

Who Did It

Colorist: Angel Gonzalez; Marilyn Cole; Teri Dougherty
Photographer: Scott Nathan
Makeup Artist: Anna Branson
Manufacturer: Aloxxi, @aloxxihair

Products Used


  • Formula A:

    Aloxxi TONES 7GV + 7-volume activator

  • Formula B:

    Aloxxi CHROMA 8N + 20-volume developer

  • Formula C:

    Aloxxi CHROMA 10NT + 30-volume developer


1. Apply Aloxxi ColourPrime Pre-Color Treatment.


2. Create a circle on top of the head and part four triangles off of the circle. Apply Formula A to all remaining hair.


3. Place slices of Formula B in the front right triangle and back left triangle. Place slices of Formula C in the front, left triangle and back, right triangle.


4. Place alternating slices and weaves of Formulas B and C on a diagonal in the circle. Then apply Formula A between all the foils.


5. Creatively balayage Formulas B and C in the front and side areas.


6. Develop then rinse thoroughly and apply Aloxxi ColourLock Post-Color Finisher.