Formulas > Hair Color > Fiery Red

Fiery Red

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  • Formula A

    Paul Mitchell the color XG ¾ oz. 6V + ¼ oz. the color XG 6RV + 1 oz. Violet Intensifier + 3 oz. 10-volume Paul Mitchell Cream developer

  • Formula B

    the color XG 1 oz. 8C + 1 oz. Orange Intensifier + 3 oz. 5-volume Paul Mitchell Cream developer

  • Formula C

    Paul Mitchell POP XG Yellow

Application 1. Touch up the roots using Formula A. Then take ½-inch horizontal sections and apply Formula A again. Drag the color down and blend it just above the midlengths.

2. Next, apply Formula B to the midlenghts and overlap it with where you previously applied Formula A, blending it down into the base.

3. Apply Formula C to the ends and overlap it with the midlengths. Use your fingers to blend the base, the midlengths and the ends before moving on to the next section. “Make sure you have a towel or something to wipe off each color from your gloves before blending them,” advises Hannah.

4. Place foils underneath each section to keep them separated. Process for 35 minutes, then rinse.

5. To achieve the curls, Hannah used a 1½-inch curling iron and pinned each curl. Set the curls with hairspray then brush them out.

Who Did It

Colorist: Hannah Nicole

Products Used


  • Formula A

    Paul Mitchell the color XG ¾ oz. 6V + ¼ oz. the color XG 6RV + 1 oz. Violet Intensifier + 3 oz. 10-volume Paul Mitchell Cream developer

  • Formula B

    the color XG 1 oz. 8C + 1 oz. Orange Intensifier + 3 oz. 5-volume Paul Mitchell Cream developer

  • Formula C

    Paul Mitchell POP XG Yellow