Formulas > Hair Color > Fiery Magenta Color Fade (Literally!)

Fiery Magenta Color Fade (Literally!)

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  • Formula A:

    1 tube Kenra Color® Creatives Violet

  • Formula B:

    1 tube Kenra Color® Creatives Magenta

  • Formula C:

    ½ tube Kenra Color® Creatives Orange

OK, so this is definitely an example of a picture that’s worth a thousand words. This gorgeous transformation comes to us from Shannon Keel (aka The Hair Doo Chick), who is officially a super fan of Kenra Color® Creatives. Shannon wanted to test the longevity of the color line, so she overlaid three different shades and documented how well the color evolved during the course of four weeks. Needless to say, both Shannon and her client thought it got even better as it faded!


And if that’s not enough, Shannon’s client shampooed her hair EVERY day with hot water! Here’s how Shannon achieved the gorgeous color melt that got more and more beautiful each week!


Starting Level: 7/ faded to a light pink hue from a previous color

Who Did It

Colorist: Shannon Keel


  • Formula A:

    1 tube Kenra Color® Creatives Violet

  • Formula B:

    1 tube Kenra Color® Creatives Magenta

  • Formula C:

    ½ tube Kenra Color® Creatives Orange


1. Apply Kenra Color® Creatives Violet to the root area to create a shadow root effect.

2. Apply Kenra Color® Creatives Magenta to the midshafts, and pull the Violet into the midshafts to create a seamless blend.

3. Apply Kenra Color® Creatives Orange to the ends, blending into the Violet and Magenta.

4. Process for 20 minutes with no heat.

Note: Shannon’s client shampooed daily for four weeks, using color safe shampoo and conditioner with hot water. She styled daily using hot tools (though Shannon says she used thermal heat protectant.)