Formulas > Hair Color > Dark Chocolate Brunette

Dark Chocolate Brunette

By Josh Wood

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  • Formula A:

    1 oz. Redken Color Fusion 8Ag + 1 oz. 20-volume Redken Pro-oxide Cream Developer

  • Formula B:

    1 oz. Color Fusion 5T + 1 oz. Color Fusion 4Ab + 2 oz. 10-volume Pro-oxide Cream Developer

  • Formula C:

    1 part Redken Blonde Idol Free Hand Clay-Based Lightener + 1.5 parts 20-volume Pro-oxide Cream Developer

  • Formula D:

    2 oz. Redken Shades EQ 07T + 2 oz. Shades EQ Processing Solution

Chocolate brown will always be a client fave—that’s why Redken Global Color Creative Director Josh Wood (@joshwoodcolour) is sharing his ways to update your client’s natural Level 3 with subtle hints of rich brunette dimension.


Who Did It

Manufacturer: Redken, @redken

Products Used


  • Formula A:

    1 oz. Redken Color Fusion 8Ag + 1 oz. 20-volume Redken Pro-oxide Cream Developer

  • Formula B:

    1 oz. Color Fusion 5T + 1 oz. Color Fusion 4Ab + 2 oz. 10-volume Pro-oxide Cream Developer

  • Formula C:

    1 part Redken Blonde Idol Free Hand Clay-Based Lightener + 1.5 parts 20-volume Pro-oxide Cream Developer

  • Formula D:

    2 oz. Redken Shades EQ 07T + 2 oz. Shades EQ Processing Solution


Starting Point: Natural Level 3, Medium Brown. 


1. Apply Formula A in ¼-inch diagonal back foils with a micro-stitch along the hairline.


2. Then, apply Formula B at the roots using a global application. Isolate the crown area and melt it into the midlengths with Redken’s Edging Brush.


3. Process for 35 minutes, then shampoo and condition with Redken Chemistry Extreme for dry hair.


4. To add hints of sun-kissed color, isolate the top and crown area and create triangle subsections. Apply Formula C using a balayage technique.


5. Process at room temperature until orange, or up to 50 minutes, then shampoo with Chemistry Extreme.


6. Apply Formula D using a global application. Process at room temperature for 20 minutes and rinse, do not shampoo.


7. On towel-dried hair, apply Redken pH-Bonder #2 Fiber Restorative Pre-wash Concentrate for 10 minutes. Rinse and follow with Redken Color Extend Magnetics Shampoo and Conditioner.

