Formulas > Corrective Color > Color Correction: Neutralizing & Filling Green Hair

Color Correction: Neutralizing & Filling Green Hair

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  • Formula A

    60g Wella Professionals BLONDOR + 15g Wella MAGMA by BLONDOR /65 + Wella Color Touch Emulsion 1.9% + Olaplex No.1

  • Formula B

    Wella Koleston Perfect /44 + Koleston Perfect 0/5 + Koleston Perfect Crème Developer 6% + Olaplex No.1

  • Formula C

    Wella Color Touch 66/45 + Color Touch 4/0 + Color Touch Emulsion 4% + Olaplex No.1

  • Formula D

    Color Touch 77/45 + Color Touch 66/44 + Koleston Perfect Special Mix 0/45 + Color Touch Emulsion 1.9% + Olaplex No.1

When a client like this sits in your chair, your top thought is probably, “OMG.” Your second thought? “How do I fix this without doing more damage?” We got the deets from @colourmesue at Salon B Amsterdam, who took home the win for Best Overall Winner and Best Makeover at the @olaplexnederland 2018 Social Media Awards.


“This was quite a makeover,” Sue said. “Her hair wouldn’t get rid of the green (it was there for almost a year!), so it was really important to make this color last, but in a way that wasn’t compromising her hair, since the quality was bad from previous coloring.” Sue used Olaplex No.1 in every formula (not just the lightener) to ensure the best hair health she possibly could. When going darker, hair color can fade quickly and slowly start to become muddled. Olaplex multiplies the bonds of the hair, giving color molecules more to attach to, which increases color longevity—and that’s why Sue uses it in ALL her formulas!


Who Did It

Manufacturer: Olaplex, @olaplex

Products Used


  • Formula A

    60g Wella Professionals BLONDOR + 15g Wella MAGMA by BLONDOR /65 + Wella Color Touch Emulsion 1.9% + Olaplex No.1

  • Formula B

    Wella Koleston Perfect /44 + Koleston Perfect 0/5 + Koleston Perfect Crème Developer 6% + Olaplex No.1

  • Formula C

    Wella Color Touch 66/45 + Color Touch 4/0 + Color Touch Emulsion 4% + Olaplex No.1

  • Formula D

    Color Touch 77/45 + Color Touch 66/44 + Koleston Perfect Special Mix 0/45 + Color Touch Emulsion 1.9% + Olaplex No.1


1. Freehand balayage the whole head, leaving out the roots, with Formula A. Process for 45 minutes with no heat, checking every 10 minutes, “until there was no more green to be seen and a warmer base,” Sue said.


2. Wash and dry the hair.


3. Apply Formula B as a fill/repigment. Process and dry hair.


4. At the roots, apply Formula C.


5. Apply Formula D to the mids and ends. Process entirely for 25 minutes.


6. Rinse and apply Olaplex No.2 for 30 minutes, then wash, dry, cut and style!