Formulas > Hair Color > Color Correction: Icy Blonde

Color Correction: Icy Blonde

By Jasmine Washington

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Instagram via @jasmine.washington

When we saw this hair transformation Jasmine Washington (@jasmine.washington) posted on her Insta, we NEEDED to know more. We reached out to get all the details on how Jasmine eliminated major warmth and achieved a more dimensional, low maintenance blonde. Scroll to get her full formulas, pricing and products used. 


Click Through The Slideshow For The Before!


1. Who is the ideal client for this look?

“This technique is great for any blonde looking to add some dimension and have less maintenance,” Jasmine explains. This color application works with every hair type, making it a great service to suggest to every client. 


2. How long does this technique take and how long does it last?

“The full process takes around three and a half hours depending on hair length and density. Depending on the client’s lifestyle and natural base color, this look can last about eight weeks,” says Jasmine.


Here is Jasmine’s recommended retouch schedule:

  • Level 6 and below: Every 4-6 weeks 
  • Level 7 and above: Every 8-10 weeks



3. What do you recommend for at-home maintenance?

Number one rule: Always send your clients home with professional shampoo and conditioner. “I also recommend my clients do a hydrating masque once a week and try to keep shampooing to a minimum (around once a week),” Jasmine explains. 


“After around five weeks from their initial appointment, I also recommend a purple shampoo to maintain that cool tone,” she adds. 


4. Are there any challenges with this technique?

“Depending on their starting level, make sure the client is up for the necessary appointments to get them to the ideal level of brightness. Then, make sure they are ready to commit to the maintenance schedule. If they aren’t ready, I try to suggest a different look,” Jasmine explains. 


Total Price: $380 and up


Jasmine Posted A Video Showing Off This Technique On Insta—Check It Out Below!

View this post on Instagram

A post shared by Jasmine.Lynette (@jasmine.washington)


Click To See The Stunning After!




Products Used


1. On the regrowth, take baby fine highlights and apply Formula A.


2. Apply Formula B on any yellow/orange banding. 


3. Paint a lowlight using Formula C between each foil, leaving out the ends. Allow everything to process for 40 minutes. 


4. Towel dry the hair and apply Formula D all over. Process for 20 minutes.


5. Rinse and condition. Then, Jasmine used the PARAGON II from ARC™ Scissors to clean up the client’s grown out pixie and give her a stylish bob. 


6. Style as desired.