Articles > Business > What Would You Do: Breaking Up With A Client
Last updated: August 14, 2019

What Would You Do: Breaking Up With A Client

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“I think we should see other people.” “I don’t see a future together.” “We’re just on two different paths right now.” Have you ever wanted to use these breakup clichés on a client? You’re not alone. A BTC member recently reached out to us with this question:


“What’s the correct way to break up with a client? She’s always blaming me when she doesn’t get reminders for her appointment (I have a program that does that for me, so I know she gets them) she takes a lot of ‘meds’ so sometimes she passes out and her head is in her lap (which makes it hard to foil her hair) and she’s ALWAYS late. She complains if she has to pay more because she wants something different and I just can’t take it anymore. I’m trying to be a good person and keep a good reputation so I need to do this right. Any suggestions?”


While not all members of the BTC community think it’s OK to “fire a client,” those who do provided some good advice for how to handle the situation.


Scroll through the responses above and let us know what you think! Got a question? DM us!


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