GLAZING: 4 Reasons To Add Clear To Your Gloss Formulas
Here’s Why You Should Be Adding Clear To Your Gloss Formulas
From bronze brunettes to wheat-y blondes, we’re seeing A LOT of glazed looks this fall. It’s only a matter of time before your clients join the glaze craze; after all, who wouldn’t want high shine hair with a super glossy finish that’s soft to the touch? So it’s high time to stock up on one crucial component to this trending look: Clear gloss.
Blonding expert Carly Zanoni (@the.blonde.chronicles) adds Clear gloss into 99.9 percent of her blonde glosses to achieve that soft, glazed result. Here’s why:
1. Clear gloss softens the intensity of blonde tones
Since blonde hair can be super porous and unpredictable, Carly adds Clear to dilute her gloss formula in order to soften the intensity of tones or level of the gloss.
2. It helps maintain control over porous hair
Carly adds Clear to her gloss mixture to prevent more porous pieces from turning muddy, too dark or too ashy. Doing this won’t turn a Level 8 into a Level 9, but it will help you get closest to your client’s requested result.
Want more of @the.blonde.chronicles? Check out this preview of Carly’s class for achieving the luxe brunette your clients want!
3. Adding clear allows for more control over the gloss’ processing time
Adding Clear slows the processing time of the gloss formula, allowing you to have a bit more control over the end result. Kiss the “I walked away for one minute and now it’s purple” moments goodbye!
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4. Clear gloss alone adds some much needed shine
Aside from adding Clear gloss to an existing formula, have clients come in only for a Clear gloss treatment. Glosses are great for all hair types, working to seal the outer cuticle for healthier, shinier hair.
If your client already has a color that they love or is trying to take a break from dye, you could even suggest a clear gloss as an option for their upcoming maintenance appointment!
Pro tip: Keep clients with low-maintenance color coming back to your chair often—and boost your ticket! Offer a gloss and blowout service (or even add a treatment!) in between heavy-lifting services.
Click here to watch Carly’s clear glossing technique in action!
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