Articles > Styling > Finger Waves: 5 Ways

Finger Waves: 5 Ways

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If we could watch talented hairdressers create finger waves all day, we would. The technique is totally mesmerizing, versatile and it just so happens that it’s making a comeback. Get your finger wave fix here with these six approaches to the stunning technique.



Two Combs Are Better Than One
When legendary hairdresser Guido gave models (including Lady Gaga!) finger waves at the Marc Jacobs A/W 2016 show, he used two combs. Using two combs instead of a finger and a comb offers more defined, symmetrical finger waves. Watch below, and get ready to be amazed.


Use Two Tools
Mary Cuomo (@cuomocromeans) uses both a wide-tooth comb and a brush when placing her waves. Use the wide-tooth part of the comb to push the wave into place against your finger and create the shape. Then, using the handle of the brush, go back through and define the shape before beginning the next wave. This eliminates larger comb tracks in the hair.



Two Styles in One
When Mary creates finger waves on herself, she wears the wet set for a full day to let it completely dry, then combs it through for a soft, second-day style. “The more lived-in, the better—it makes it edgier,” Mary says. When combing waves, use a brush or comb with tighter teeth to compress the hair and maintain the wave shape.


Exaggerate the Wave
To exaggerate the ridge of a finger wave, lift the hair with a chopstick and flat iron the shape into place. This is helpful on clients with super-straight or thick hair that can’t easily hold the style.




Twist and Slide
Matt Swinney’s
secret lies in the way he slides and twists his comb as he’s creating the waves, making sure to apply plenty of pressure with his opposite hand. Watch his technique below.



BONUS: 3D Fingerwaves by @theglamtech. This is a work of art!