Articles > Hair > Don’t Miss These 4 #btcQUICKIES!

Don’t Miss These 4 #btcQUICKIES!

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Ready for a quickie? 😉 We love to scroll through your #btcQUICKIES—fast videos that showcase your awesome talents, tips and tricks—so we grabbed a couple of our faves! Got a quickie? Make sure to tag #behindthechair #btcQUICKIE to be featured on our Instagram!



1. Scandi Wave
hether you call it the Scandinavian Wave, Scandi Wave or S-Wave, one thing is clear—this look is having a moment. Watch BTC #ONESHOT winner @shelleygregoryhair create these waves!


2. Sheer Caramel Hair Painting

BTC #ONESHOT winner @paintedhair gives us a look at how she keeps her beautiful painted creations from slipping during application. Her secret? Embee Meche! The reusable strips were created to make free-form coloring techniques easier.  



3. The F-8
We’ve seen this braid, created by label.m’s @efidavies, up close on our COLOR, Cut & Style stage…and now you can see it up-close, too! Soooo cool!



#BTCMORNINGQUICKIE! HOW-TO: F-8 / 3- strand braid by the perfectly genius @efidavies of @labelmusa! Love it Efi! #BEHINDTHECHAIR

A video posted by (@behindthechair_com) on

4. Well, THIS Looks Interesting…

#HairBestie @guytang experiments with a digital perm in this quickie!



* Well THIS looks interesting … #digitalperm by @guy_tang! #btcmorningquickie #btcquickie #BEHINDTHECHAIR

A video posted by (@behindthechair_com) on


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