Articles > Hair Color > 6 Tricks To Better Your Color Game
Last updated: September 27, 2017

6 Tricks To Better Your Color Game

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Matrix Destination was all about that education! And of course, BTC was there to take it all in for you! Check out some of the best coloring tips from your favorite Matrix Educators.


1. Walking out the Color
his technique, used by Matrix Color Master Leah Sterk, helps you address drastic color changes in the salon. “If someone comes in with bright red hair and wants it removed, start by putting lightener on the hair for 15 minutes to activate the dye.” She says this will give your client a lighter red look, but will never get the red completely out. To totally walk out the color, Leah suggests, “Taking an opposing shade, an ash in this case, and applying it to the hair to neutralize her color and ultimately turn it brown. If your client wants to be blonde, lighten the hair from here—it’s too hard to lighten from fashion colors; you’ll never get the result you want.”


Leah talks her “walking out the color” technique!


2. Men’s Color
“Keep the color strongest on the heavy side, so when your client pushes his hair the way it naturally falls, he’ll get more texture and movement from the color,” Matrix Educator Tara Koenig says. The key to men’s color is to make sure everything is left off base.


3. Corrective Color
When a client comes in needing a corrective color, Matrix Artistic Educator Robert Santana first recommends using a test strand. “It’s important to relax and assess what is actually happening, then use a test strand. It protects you from hours of work because you can see in 10 minutes what’s going to happen to the hair.”


Robert Santana showcases his coloring during the Color Outside the Lines Class.


4. Balayage Tip from George Papanikolas
The key to a seamless color blend is placing your foils on horizontally and softening the chunkiness by painting in a “V” shape.


5. Blonde Balayage
George focuses on the crown when working with blondes, using only 10 foils and stacking them every inch. This is a successful way to work quickly in the salon and to get that sun-kissed color your clients will love.


6. Balayage Secret
Matrix Educator Dan Csicsai recommends applying balayage how you apply blush. “You want to move fast so are you blending and not leaving lines of demarcation. The faster you go, the easier the blend is going to be.”