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4 Tips To Give The Best Haircut

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Your best tools are your creativity and knowledge, but no question—a good pair of shears or a good brush is also really crucial to achieving the looks you want. We like these words of wisdom from Orlando-based hairstylist and platform artist Ricardo Santiago: “My dad was a mechanic growing up and he used to always tell me that you are only as good as the tools you use, and education you receive. If you use the best and learn from the best, you do the best! So, I have always invested in the best, like my Olivia Garden Cara Shears!”


The new Cara VG-10 Shear Collection from Olivia Garden is definitely the best. Japanese stainless steel with high levels of cobalt and carbon. Convex blades. Ultra-sharp. Hand-honed. A unique, lightweight blade design and tension dial. We wanted to know how Ricardo likes to use these shears—check out his answers!





BTC: When is the best situation to use the Cara shears?
I tested these shears in every situation—dry hair, wet hair, curly hair, scissor over comb, on men and on women—and they were perfect for every situation because of the high-quality Japanese steel. My only difficulty is figuring out a favorite way to use them! But if I had to pick a favorite, I do love the 6.5” shear for texture and deep point-cutting. I also use the same size shear for working over my comb and for slide-cutting with extreme ease.


BTC: What’s the deal with the holes in the blades?
Well, besides looking cool, the holes actually offer a simple solution—they help reduce the weight of the blades!




BTC: How do you protect your investment when you purchase shears?
I take care of all of my shears, especially these Cara shears. What I like about them is that they come with a ShearCare Oil Brush that allows you to easily lubricate the pivot point of the shears and the blades themselves. I do also sanitize mine after each day of use.”


BTC: What are your tried-and-true cutting tips?
Ricardo: I feel like I live by a few simple cutting rules that, if used effectively, can set you up for a lifetime of good haircuts!


1. Let your comb be your guide. Make sure that the angle that you are pulling away from the scalp, and eventually the angle at which you cut, is set from your comb versus your fingers.

2. Keep your fingers straight. If that is difficult, interlock them to still give a straight surface.

3. Don’t take too big of a section. Precise cutting requires consistent tension throughout and taking too big of a section reduces your chance of getting even tension.

4. Always finish dry. I never let a client leave without going through and softening and refining their haircut dry!


Learn more about the Cara Shear Collection!

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Ricardo Santiago