How-Tos > Tools > ghd Hair Architecture Step-by-Step
Last updated: May 14, 2007

ghd Hair Architecture Step-by-Step

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ghd Hair Architecture Step-by-Step

From the realms of the avant garde comes ghd Hair Architecture.

Check out the ghd 1″ Styler – the perfect tool to recreate this look.

Created by the ghd Directive’s top UK session stylists, this look takes its inspiration from the stunning architecture of Barcelona. In an adventurous mood?  Try this step-by-step and create some architecture of your own!

To learn more, go to


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    1 Model’s hair has been cleansed and nourished using ghd thermodynamics™ products and blow-dried smooth using the ghd paddle brush.
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    2 Starting at the nape and working in a brickwork fashion, take 2” wide, ½” deep sections of hair; hold each section taut and then place flat onto foil.  Spray the section evenly with ghd creation spray.  The narrower the section, the more movement you’ll get.  Different-sized sections will vary the texture.
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    3 Starting from the ends, fold the foil into concertina-style folds 1” deep, right up to the root.  Smaller folds will give greater movement.
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    4 Set the hair in a folded shape by clamping your ghd original ceramic styling iron over the folded packet.  For even greater definition, iron every single fold.
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    5 The completed full-head foil application will look like this.
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    6 Allow the foils to cool and then, starting at the nape, gently unfold foils to reveal zigzag texture.
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    7 Carefully work your way up to the crown.
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    8 Once all the foils have been removed, a contemporary zigzag finger-wave will have been created.
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    9 You can now easily mold the hair into a new shape.  Take sections from the front and secure with pins placed toward the nape to give a head-hugging finish.
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    10 Finish the look with ghd fixation spray for long-lasting hold.