Formulas > Hair Color > Vintage Technicolor

Vintage Technicolor

vintage technicolor color formulas chi chromashines
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  • Formula A

    2 oz. CHI Chromashine Pearl White + 4 drops Orange You Obsessed

  • Formula B

    1 oz. Mellow My Yellow

  • Formula C

    2 oz. Pearl White + 1 oz. Dangerously Red

Lived-in, vintage hues with vibrant candy-like color is possible with this technique and formulations from @alix_maya! Working off the model’s natural base, Alix used the new CHI Chromashine shades to create this dreamy look at the BTC House in LA. Get a glimpse at all the action in the video below with Farouk artists Anna Cantu and Rocky Vitelli, plus @shmeggsandbaconn who styled this beauty! 



Who Did It

Colorist: Alix Maya; Megan Schipani, @shmeggsandbaconn
Manufacturer: CHI; Farouk Systems Inc., @farouksystems

Products Used


  • Formula A

    2 oz. CHI Chromashine Pearl White + 4 drops Orange You Obsessed

  • Formula B

    1 oz. Mellow My Yellow

  • Formula C

    2 oz. Pearl White + 1 oz. Dangerously Red


1. Start application at the nape using free hand painting.


2. Alternate in diagonal sections going up the head, changing formulas as you go.


3. Starting at the crown, alternate formulas, leaving out blonde panels.


4. At the front of the head, continue working in diagonal sections, alternating formulas. 


Watch The How-To Video Below!


vintage technicolor color formulas chi chromashines
After shot.
After shot.