Formulas > Brunette > Royal Brunette

Royal Brunette

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  • Natural Level

    Between a 3 and 4.

  • Formula A

    Joico LumiShine Permanent Crème Color 8BA + 40-volume Joico LumiShine Developer

  • Formula B

    LumiShine Permanent Crème Color 7BA + 10-volume LumiShine Developer

  • Formula C

    LumiShine Demi-Permanent Liquid Color 8NA + 5-volume LumiShine Developer

Ash-toned hues help counterbalance your brassier brunettes and create a rich, royal shade, with cool toffee highlights and a mid-level chocolate tone.

Who Did It

Manufacturer: Joico, @joico

Products Used


  • Natural Level

    Between a 3 and 4.

  • Formula A

    Joico LumiShine Permanent Crème Color 8BA + 40-volume Joico LumiShine Developer

  • Formula B

    LumiShine Permanent Crème Color 7BA + 10-volume LumiShine Developer

  • Formula C

    LumiShine Demi-Permanent Liquid Color 8NA + 5-volume LumiShine Developer