Formulas > Hair Color > Rooty Blonde Melt

Rooty Blonde Melt

By Gabrielle Harned

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  • Natural/Starting Level:

    Old oxidized color with Level 4 new growth, 2 inches of Level 7 brass throughout the midlengths and Level 9 ends.

  • Formula A:

    Matrix Color Sync 5N + 10-volume developer

  • Formula B:

    Jack Winn Color Brilliant Paint Lightener (1:2) + 20-volume developer + Matrix BOND Ultim8 Step 1

  • Formula C:

    Equal parts Color Sync 8V + 6N + 10-volume developer

  • Formula D:

    Color Sync 7A + 10-volume developer

  • Formula E:

    Color Sync 1 oz. 10V + ½ oz. 10P + ½ oz. Clear + 10-volume developer

This rooty blonde melt from Gabrielle Harned (@hairby_gabbs), a stylist at Simplicity Salon in Port Saint Lucie, Fla. is the definition of lived-in hair goals 😍 Ideal for blonde-haired clients who want dimension that’ll fade beautifully, Gabrielle used color melting and balayage techniques to create the ultimate lived-in blonde. Find out all the deets below!


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Total chair time: 3½ hours

Pricing: $230


Who Did It

Colorist: Gabrielle Harned
Manufacturer: Matrix, @matrix

Products Used


  • Natural/Starting Level:

    Old oxidized color with Level 4 new growth, 2 inches of Level 7 brass throughout the midlengths and Level 9 ends.

  • Formula A:

    Matrix Color Sync 5N + 10-volume developer

  • Formula B:

    Jack Winn Color Brilliant Paint Lightener (1:2) + 20-volume developer + Matrix BOND Ultim8 Step 1

  • Formula C:

    Equal parts Color Sync 8V + 6N + 10-volume developer

  • Formula D:

    Color Sync 7A + 10-volume developer

  • Formula E:

    Color Sync 1 oz. 10V + ½ oz. 10P + ½ oz. Clear + 10-volume developer


1. Taking 1½-inch sections, paint Formula A at the roots and blur the formula down. Then, pick up about an inch of hair from the center of the section and blur the formula down a little further for added dimension.


2. In that same section, balayage Formula B front and back in a V shape to make sure the old color is saturated. 


3. For any hair remaining, apply Formula C as a lowlight and blur the formula up to where you just applied Formula A. 


4. Continue this pattern throughout the whole head, then process for 45 minutes (or until she lifts to a pale yellow Level 10/11) in Saran Wrap.


5. Next, tone the midlengths with Formula D to eliminate the 2 inches of brass. Then, tone the ends with Formula E and let process for 15 minutes.


6. Apply Matrix BOND Ultim8 Step 2 and process for 10 minutes.


7. Rinse, blow-dry then curl her hair using a 1¼-inch curling iron.


Finished look