Formulas > Hair Color > Rooty Blonde Foilayage

Rooty Blonde Foilayage

By Ashlee Norman

Ashlee Norman @ashleenormanhair Shaggy Lob This Is The Cut For Fine Haired Clients Haircut Fine Hair Thin How To Instagram Video
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  • Formula A:

    Oligo Professionnel Blacklight Cool Toned Blonde Lightener + 10-volume developer (1:1)

  • Formula B:

    Oligo Professionnel Blacklight Lightening Cream + 10-volume developer (1:1)

  • Formula C:

    Wella Professionals ILLUMINA COLOR 7/ + Wella Koleston Perfect Pastel Creme Developer (1:2)

  • Formula D:

    Wella Professionals ILLUMINA COLOR 5/ + 6/76 + Wella Koleston Perfect Pastel Creme Developer + Wella Professionals Service Color Post Treatment (1:1:1)

  • Formula E:

    Wella Professionals ILLUMINA COLOR 10/36 + 9/7 + 8/69 + Wella Koleston Perfect Pastel Creme Developer (1:2)

Instagram via @ashleenormanhair

Your fine-haired clients crave volume and with the right color and cut combo, you can create the illusion of fullness. We recently shared how Ashlee Norman (@ashleenormanhair) achieved this shaggy lob and now we’re breaking down her process for this on-trend rooty blonde foilayage. The key is to create dimension, so Ashlee worked with zigzag teasy lights, interlocking triangle sections of highlights and lowlights. Keep scrolling to learn more!


Watch The Video How-To Below

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Who Did It

Colorist: Ashlee Norman
Manufacturer: Oligo Professionnel; Wella Professionals, @WellaHairUSA

Products Used


  • Formula A:

    Oligo Professionnel Blacklight Cool Toned Blonde Lightener + 10-volume developer (1:1)

  • Formula B:

    Oligo Professionnel Blacklight Lightening Cream + 10-volume developer (1:1)

  • Formula C:

    Wella Professionals ILLUMINA COLOR 7/ + Wella Koleston Perfect Pastel Creme Developer (1:2)

  • Formula D:

    Wella Professionals ILLUMINA COLOR 5/ + 6/76 + Wella Koleston Perfect Pastel Creme Developer + Wella Professionals Service Color Post Treatment (1:1:1)

  • Formula E:

    Wella Professionals ILLUMINA COLOR 10/36 + 9/7 + 8/69 + Wella Koleston Perfect Pastel Creme Developer (1:2)


Ashlee Norman @ashleenormanhair Formula Rooty Blonde Foilayage How To Transformation Makeover Oligo Professionnel Wella Professionals Dimensional Foilayaged Zigzag Parting Dimension Highlights Lowlights

1. Take a triangle section, create a zigzag parting and gently backcomb the top section.


Ashlee Norman @ashleenormanhair Formula Rooty Blonde Foilayage How To Transformation Makeover Oligo Professionnel Wella Professionals Dimensional Foilayaged Zigzag Parting Dimension Highlights Lowlights

2. Then, on the top section, paint Formula A on her natural regrowth and Formula B on her previously lightened ends. Place in foil.


Note: As she worked her way around the head, Ashlee gradually bumped the developer up from 10-volume to 30-volume in Formula A.


Ashlee Norman @ashleenormanhair Formula Rooty Blonde Foilayage How To Transformation Makeover Oligo Professionnel Wella Professionals Dimensional Foilayaged Zigzag Parting Dimension Highlights Lowlights

3. On the bottom section of the zigzag parting, apply Formula C to create a lowlight. “The lowlights were double weaved to be brought down at varying levels and tipped out with lightener on the ends,” shares Ashlee.


4. Continue Steps 1 through 3 until all of her hair is in foils and let process.


5. Rinse, then color melt by applying Formula D to the roots and Formula E from the midlengths to the ends. 


6. Let process, then rinse, blow-dry and style as desired.


Ashlee Norman @ashleenormanhair Shaggy Lob This Is The Cut For Fine Haired Clients Haircut Fine Hair Thin How To Instagram Video
Finished look // Instagram via @ashleenormanhair