Formulas > Hair Color > Deep Dimensional Auburn

Deep Dimensional Auburn

Ginger hair color transformation and hairstyle by @brianacisneros
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  • Formula A (roots):

    Wella Professionals Illumina 7/35 + 7/43 + 18-volume developer

  • Formula B:

    Illumina 7/43 + 20-volume developer

  • Formula C:

    Redken Shades EQ 8C + Redken Shades EQ Processing Solution

  • Formula D:

    Schwarzkopf Professional BLONDME Blonde Toning – Apricot + BLONDME Blonde Toning – Strawberry + BLONDME Premium Developer 6%

Want the secret behind this cool auburn color? According to L.A.-based colorist Briana Cisneros (@brianacisneros), all you have to do is skip the lightener! Wait…what? Don’t worry, you read that right. She created this beautiful omg-worthy transformation without lightening her client at all. Keep reading to find out why, and to get the formulas and steps for this dimensional red hue. 


Who Did It

Products Used


  • Formula A (roots):

    Wella Professionals Illumina 7/35 + 7/43 + 18-volume developer

  • Formula B:

    Illumina 7/43 + 20-volume developer

  • Formula C:

    Redken Shades EQ 8C + Redken Shades EQ Processing Solution

  • Formula D:

    Schwarzkopf Professional BLONDME Blonde Toning – Apricot + BLONDME Blonde Toning – Strawberry + BLONDME Premium Developer 6%


Starting Level: Previous Level 6 balayage


Before Starting, Know This!
Briana didn’t use any lightener to create the color. Here’s why: There was no artificial pigment to lift through, so she went straight for the color. If she had prelightened the hair before putting on the red, the hair could have experienced premature fading and the end result wouldn’t have looked as natural.


1. Apply Formula A to the root area only. Briana created this formula specifically to avoid “hot roots” from occurring.


2. Then, apply Formula B from where Formula A stops and through to the ends that were not previously lightened.


3. Next, alternate applying Formula C and D onto the previously lightened ends. This will create more dimension in the end result.


4. Let process, then rinse, wash and style as desired.