Formulas > Hair Color > COLOR CORRECTION: Platinum Touch-Up


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  • Formula A:

    #mydentity @guy_tang #Magnum8 Powder Lightener + 40-volume developer + Olaplex No.1

  • Formula B:

    #mydentity @guy_tang #Big9 Crème Lightener + 20-volume developer + Olaplex No.1 

  • Formula C:

    Redken Blonde Idol 7-10P + 20-volume developer + Olaplex No.1

  • Formula D:

    Redken Shades EQ 9P + Shades EQ Processing Solution

Six weeks comes and goes and your platinum client has yet to schedule her follow-up appointment. Fast forward a few more weeks and she finally comes back…with MONTHS of regrowth in tow. What was supposed to be a quick root touch-up just became a 6-hour color correction, and her dark base won’t make things easy on you. Here’s how L.A.-based @roxybeautytouch handles long overdue platinum touch-ups.


Total chair time: About 5 to 6 hours


Pricing: $650, but price depends on how much regrowth the client has and how dark her natural color is. This service could run from $450+.


Watch The Video How-To Below

Who Did It

Colorist: @roxybeautytouch

Products Used


  • Formula A:

    #mydentity @guy_tang #Magnum8 Powder Lightener + 40-volume developer + Olaplex No.1

  • Formula B:

    #mydentity @guy_tang #Big9 Crème Lightener + 20-volume developer + Olaplex No.1 

  • Formula C:

    Redken Blonde Idol 7-10P + 20-volume developer + Olaplex No.1

  • Formula D:

    Redken Shades EQ 9P + Shades EQ Processing Solution


1. Paint the regrowth area with Formula A and place in foils. “Anytime you’re lightening the hair, always start from the back just in case you need to wash half of her hair,” Roxy shared in an Insta comment. “It’s a long process and you need to keep an eye on it constantly.”


2. Then, apply Formula B to the scalp only. Process for 2 hours, then rinse.


3. Apply Olaplex No.2 on the previous blonde hair and Formula C on the orange line of demarcation.


4. Tone with Formula D. Then, apply Olaplex No.2 and process for 20 minutes.


Pro Tip: If your toner is coming out a little gray, Roxy suggests mixing half and half Redken Shades EQ 9P + Clear.


5. Shampoo with Fanola No Yellow Shampoo.