Formulas > Blonde > Celebrity On-Camera Blonde

Celebrity On-Camera Blonde

By @andreahenty

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  • Formula A (lightening)

    Beauty Tech Distribution Platinum Programing Albage 27D Powder Lightener and Developer.

  • Formula B (root gloss)

    Redken Shades EQ Gloss 8N

  • Formula C (hairline)

    Redken Shades EQ Gloss in 9N

Photo credit: Instagram via @andreahenty

Beverly Hills blonding specialist and founder of Line One Hair Andrea Henty (@andreahenty) knows a thing or two about natural-looking color. Drea’s signature “on-camera” blonde is a huge request from her California-babe clientele and she shared her sought-after formula with us!


Here’s the kicker…this stunning blonde formula is BLEACH FREE! Here’s the quickie formula rundown you’ll need for this season’s biggest blonding trend. 


Bleach-free blonding? Here’s How!

Drea uses Albage Powder (NOT bleach!) on her clients. The Platinum Programming bundle from Beauty Tech Distribution is a revolutionary way to blonde without any damage. “Technology has progressed,” says Drea. “You don’t have to have dry, damaged hair anymore. Sat goodbye to the stress and guilt of going lighter!” 


Check out Drea’s gorgeous results of her on-camera blonding technique: 


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Here’s What To Do If Your Client’s Starting Level Is Too Light

If your client is starting with a high-level blonde, here’s Drea’s trick to bring down the tone while still leaving the hair blonde. “For this client, I was maintaining her color. But if I needed to add lowlights this is what I would do,” Drea explains. 


  • Work with your client’s natural hair color. These tones will flatter your client’s skin tone the most, creating gorgeous color.
  • Don’t go too white or light-toned blonde, this easily washes out your client’s features.
  • Add lowlights instead of bleaching out your client. “I recommend using Redken Shades EQ Gloss 8WG + 8N down the hair shaft when my client needs to be lowlighted,” says Drea. 


The result: STUNNING color every blonde will be asking for!


Photo credit: Instagram via @andreahenty


  • Formula A (lightening)

    Beauty Tech Distribution Platinum Programing Albage 27D Powder Lightener and Developer.

  • Formula B (root gloss)

    Redken Shades EQ Gloss 8N

  • Formula C (hairline)

    Redken Shades EQ Gloss in 9N


1. Drea uses Formula A to foil her client where needed for extra brightness. 

2. Using Formula B for a gloss root, Drea drags the gloss down the hair shaft every 5 minutes for even coverage.

3. To keep things looking natural at the hairline, she finishes with Formula C to avoid any harsh lines of demarcation.