Formulas > Hair Color > Cara-Melt Balayage

Cara-Melt Balayage

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  • Formula A:

    TIGI copyright©olour creative 4/0 + 8.5-volume developer

  • Formula B:

    Paul Mitchell Dual-Purpose Lightener + 30-volume developer

  • Formula C:

    Paul Mitchell Dual-Purpose Lightener + 40-volume developer

  • Formula D (toner):

    TIGI copyright©olour gloss 9/12

Wow—was there ever a cut and color more fit for a dream board? This one comes to us courtesy of Scotty Williamson (@scottywilliamson), owner of the fix hair parlor in Scottsdale, Ariz. Scotty took first-time client Sarvi’s from brassy and boring to textured and trendy, and the 9,000 likes he received on our Instagram page are proof that he totally nailed it. “She came in with a heavy, untexturized, one length ‘lob’ with an extreme A-line,” shares Scotty. “She had ½ inch of natural Level 3 regrowth and some faded, Level 5-6 color mixed with some Level 7 brassy highlights/balayage.” Here’s how Scotty achieved the look!


Total chair time: 2.5 hours


Color: $110

Olaplex treatment: $20
Cut: $70
Total: $200


Who Did It

Colorist: Scotty Williamson

Products Used


  • Formula A:

    TIGI copyright©olour creative 4/0 + 8.5-volume developer

  • Formula B:

    Paul Mitchell Dual-Purpose Lightener + 30-volume developer

  • Formula C:

    Paul Mitchell Dual-Purpose Lightener + 40-volume developer

  • Formula D (toner):

    TIGI copyright©olour gloss 9/12


1. Working with the natural part, section into quadrants and apply a root shadow with Formula A, alternating 2 and 3 inches down from the regrowth. Scotty worked with Sarvi’s existing faded color because “it was actually a pretty coffee tone,” he says.

2. Working in the same four sections and using balayage and sombré techniques, apply Formulas B and C, using Formula B first, then bumping up to 40-volume as you work so sections process equally. Add Olaplex No.1 to the previously-bleached areas. Process for about 30 minutes.

3. Rinse Formulas A, B and C, then tone with Formula D. Process for about five minutes. 

4. Rinse and apply Olaplex No.2 for 10 minutes. Shampoo and condition with TIGI Bed Head Urban Antidotes Recovery.

5. For the cut, Scotty took a couple inches off all over, but more off the A-line shape. “I also added some layers—working 90 degrees in the back and short to long inversion in the front,” he says. 

6. Apply TIGI Catwalk Hairista Cream and Catwalk Sleek Blow Out Balm and blow-dry. Scotty then personalized the cut with plenty of deep point-cutting and a little slicing.

7. Wrap hair around a 1-inch curling iron with the clamp open, leaving out the ends, then closing the clamp. Finish with more Blow Out Balm and TIGI Bed Head Oh Bee Hive! Matte Dry Shampoo.