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What Would You Do: Color Services For Kids

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WWYD: Color Services For Kids

As hairstylists, you want clients to be “chemically dependent,” but when is it considered too early for haircolor? A member of the BTC community wanted to know when kids should be able to color their locks, but the answers were anything but black and white. We have all of your input below, scroll down to read what your hair fam had to say! 


“Something I’ve been wondering about, can we discuss color on kid’s hair these days? Yay or nay? It used to be that people went to a store and bought a piece of colored hair and clipped it in. Now, stylists are doing highlights and lightener and adding fashion colors. How do other stylists feel about this? Should we be using chemicals around children? Should the danger of chemicals be the only concern? Sometimes I think, ‘Well, if it’s done by professionals it is pretty harmless?’ Is everything changing? Is it more accepted? I see it a lot! Thank you!”



Let Kids Express (And Educate) Themselves!



“I’m all for it!!! As long as the parents and child are willing to put in effort and care for at-home maintenance. I think it’s a fun way for children to express themselves. I’ve worked on many children ranging from 6-11 with fun colors from vibrant to subtle. They are so happy afterwards. It really brings a smile to everyone’s face.” – @viccky_mariee


“Children should be allowed the same freedom with their hair and if the parent is fine with it then who cares. I do fun colors on my client’s 3-year-old daughter all the time and she loves it so much. I just use Joico and Pulp Riot and it washes out quickly because it’s not invasive.” – @mamabearrawr


“I am a hairstylist and a mom. My daughter is four and has naturally light copper colored hair. I put pink vivid colors on it anytime she wants me to. Also, I’ve seen kids whose parents let them lighten and then use vivids. I think as long as the child is making the decision for themselves and they know what the process takes and with the parent’s permission go for it! Let’s kids express themselves.”– @patti.leee


“I lifted my young girl’s hair around age 10. Red, blue and pink whatever shewanted. I’m glad I’m their mom/hairdresser so I am able to teach them how to take care of hair. I offer all my suggestions and do conditioning treatments 1x monthly just like I would with a client 🤗.”– @casperwestfall


“As a mother and a stylist I feel we should educate our tiny client’s parents on what it takes to achieve these colors and leave the decision-making to them. I think as long as they know and understand what it takes to achieve these colors and styles and not have any grey areas in the conversation, I don’t see anything wrong with it 😝🦄.” – @jacintashairday


“I always believe if you educate the parents and the kid on how to care for their new color and give them all the information they need to maintain their color, then ultimately, it is up to the parents. If they allow it, I am all in! I have noticed that when teens are educated properly, they take really good care of their hair and take pride in the fact that they have AMAZING HEALTHY HAIR after it’s been colored! 💋”-@jenna_hair_angel


What About Those Kiddie Perms?



“It’s ok, I got perms when I was little like it or not😂.”– @dashcaddie


“I remember getting a body wave when I was like four 😂.” – @candy__creep__


“I got my first perm at 12. I think products today are gentler on the hair and the scalp. I’m more in the ‘can they take care of it?’ camp. There is nothing uglier on a kiddo then faded color 😝.” – @stylingirlnc


Blame It On The Rules



“My rule is that they have fit in the shampoo bowl.” -@dennismbrown


“Manufacturer’s instructions state children under the age of 16 are not permitted. Xoxo.” – @clw_hair_design


“In the UK, if the product states it cannot to be used on anyone under the age of 16 and we do, our insurance is no longer valid because we’ve not followed the manufacturer’s instructions!!” – @jamie9300


“It’s all about insurance, we cannot work on anyone under 16.” – @kaz_0205


Ultimately, It’s The Parent’s Call



“Up to the parents!”– @hairbystevie


“Ultimately it’s up to the parents. Personally, I would only ever use semi-permanent colors or a colored shampoo/conditioner. Their skin and scalps are more likely to be more sensitive than teens and adults.” –


“I think that it’s really up to the parents. There’s obviously a limit, I wouldn’t want to put color directly into a kid’s scalp but it’s better they come to you as the professional versus the parent trying it at home. Or worse them trying it at a friend’s house! 😩” – @kelsolately


There’s Always The Playground



“You can find me at the playground. ‘Pssst, hey little girl, want some balayage?’ Get ‘em young!” – @terriyakisch 


Check out all of the responses here.