Articles > Wellness > The 3 Top Mental Health Triggers For Hairstylists: The Cycle Ends Here, Let’s Talk

The 3 Top Mental Health Triggers For Hairstylists: The Cycle Ends Here, Let’s Talk

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Photo courtesy of SexyHair®

Mental health struggles and beauty industry culture go hand-in-hand. Although our industry offers some of the most diverse and creative outlets, the constant person-to-person contact is perpetrating your mental wellness. Need a sign of relief? We’re here.


SexyHair® is comitted to normalizing and leading mental health conversations, while offering support and realistic life-changing solutions for hairstylists. Below, you will find three common mental health struggles, videos full of advice and validation plus, immediate solutions to change your life and workplace. 


#1. Boundary Setting In & Out of The Salon: A Healthy Balance Is Possible

Personal boundaries vs. workplace boundaries might sound different, but they hold the same weight and mental strain day-to-day.


Personal boundaries are about what each person prefers, what they’re comfortable with and what they value. They include things like how close people can get to you, how much you share about your feelings and when you need time for yourself. Workplace boundaries, on the other hand, are rules set by professional standards, company policies and how the salon operates



Here’s a few real examples from real stylists on boundary setting for success:


Understanding the different between the PERSONAL and WORKPLACE boundaries and knowing when to appropriately incorporate them is key to a balanced lifestyle that is both fulfilling and respectful to you, your coworkers and your clients. So, let’s practice:



  1. REFLECT on personal wants and needs and prioritize them. Know the types of request you would want to say yes to and the ones you don’t have space for.
  2. Be PROACTIVE to prevent misunderstanding. Do not wait until someone crosses a boundary to speak up, communicate in or before the moment so the boundary is clear.
  3. Use simple and DIRECT language, say what you mean. You cannot expect people to know what you’re thinking.
  4. Give CONTEXT with relevant explanations or solutions. Helping others understand where you’re coming from will solidify the boundary being respected.


Photo courtesy of SexyHair ®

  1. STOP overbooking yourself and overpromising to clients. The innate desire of a hairstylist to please and overachieve with their client’s time has to be done realistically. Set boundaries with your time for clear expectations with disappointment.
  2. Say NO to toxic people. If you have a client or coworker that shifts the energy of your day, it’s time to stop interacting with them. This can look like clients having unreasonable demands, not respecting your professional authority or finding yourself avoidant of schedules or days at work due to someone’s presence. 
  3. Emotional baggage should NOT be on your service menu. A hairstylists’ chair is a safe space, not a two-way therapy session. Avoid sharing your own opinions or relatable stories when a client begins to trauma dump during their appointment. Being supportive and diplomatic does not require an equal amount of energy given to a disruptive topic during your work day.


Photo courtesy of SexyHair ®

You don’t have to do this alone—find your community and resources here.


#2. Trauma Dumping: How To Shield Yourself From Feeling Your Clients’ “Lows”

At some point, if you have not already, you will experience burnout, stress and compassion fatigue from your client’s trauma dumping. Our profession was not built to sustain hours of negative self-talk or stories of fear and trauma but somehow, it happens every single day.


Trauma dumping: When someone unloads their emotional baggage onto someone else.


Being a supportive and safe space for your clients is a gift, but you must be pouring back into yourself to avoid a resentment-based career mindset. The relieving part? You have an ENTIRE COMMUNITY to confide in and discuss solutions. Here’s what stylists have to say about their experience and advice:



#3. Mental Health vs. Social Media: The Modern Day Tug-of-War

If there’s one thing you need to repeat to yourself everyday, it’s social media does not reflect reality. Our industry revolves around beauty, the next BIG thing, the newest viral photo, the must-try product or idea. Not only is this cadence impossible to keep up with, it’s often representative of comparison instead of capability.


In the era of “cancel culture” and viral videos everyday, social media becomes a stress trigger instead of a quiet escape. 


Immediate relief points to think about:

  • Hit the unfollow button. It’s not spiteful! If an account is causing you more mental harm than good, opt to “mute” or unfollow the page.
  • Monitor your time-of-day usage. If your mind spirals at night or on a lunch break, avoid social media during those peak stimulation times.
  • Take everything with a grain of salt. Here today, gone tomorrow is the reality of socials. 



The time is now—change your career AND life for the better, forever.


For more resources, immediate actions steps and outlets to get help, please visit

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