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The 12 Best Ways To Lose Clients!

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No matter how long you have owned or worked in a salon, sometimes clients, even the loyal ones, will leave. And when this happens, you’re left wondering what went wrong. BTC shares the top 12 most common mistakes salon owners and stylists make that drive clients away in droves. Here’s what NOT to do if you want to keep your clients! And completely hilarious we might add! 


1. Double book yourself as much as possible so you don’t have to spend time with either client.


2. When it’s time for your client to pay at the end of their service, tell them you no longer accept credit cards and that they can go to the ATM across the street to get cash.


3. Always try to run 7 to 9 minutes behind schedule…if you find yourself running on time…try calling a friend to talk about all the juicy gossip from last night at the club. Or talk about how much fun you’re having potty-training your new twin boys…all while the client sits in your chair with sopping, dripping wet hair. 


4. Make sure you talk about yourself as much as possible and as much as you can. If it looks like your client is going to say something, immediately turn on the blow dryer.


5. If you have a hand free while combing their hair, use the other one for snacking. Toasted Garlic crisps or fresh salmon cakes are both good options. If your station is packed with styling products, just set your food container in your client’s lap.



6. Do not stay late or come in early for any client, especially if they have been loyal to you for many years.


7. Reschedule your clients’ appointments as often as possible.


8. Whatever you do, DON’T LEARN ANYTHING NEW. New trends or continuing education is a waste of time. If it was good 30 to 40 years ago…why change?


9. Talk your client into liking their new Miley Cyrus ‘do, even if they asked for Jennifer Lopez. 


10. Talk nasty about your other clients in front of your current client.


11. Give a 30-second shampoo while ONLY using your index fingers.


12. Ask your last client of the day to wash her color out at home so you can leave on time and not have to miss tonight’s episode of The Bachelorette!