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Skin Fades Around A Client’s Mask—Try This!

Barbers Skin Fade With Coronavirus Client's Mask On Tip Bryan Rendon American Crew
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Instagram via @bryan_rendon

Barbers: Try This Mask Cheat For Cleaner Skin Fades

You’re doing a skin fade and it’s time to get super close to the skin level, but your client’s mask is in the way—what now? You awkwardly move the mask around, ask the client to hold it over their mouth or nick the straps with your clippers (yikes!). That’s why we’re sharing this GENIUS mask cheat for fades from Florida-based barber Bryan Rendon (@bryan_rendon). Just keep scrollin’ and watch the videos!


Try This Mask Tip For Skin Fades

Here’s a mask trick for the first step of a skin fade, the balding process, when you need to get right down to the skin level for a clean fade. Stretch the mask straps under the ears and secure them at the nape using two clips to hold them in place. 


Watch The Mask Cheat Below!

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Here’s Why It Works

This allows you to work over the ear and fold the ear down while blending. The biggest challenge when doing a skin fade with a client’s mask on is not cutting the mask straps, Bryan says. After trying different techniques, like moving the mask around while cutting or having the client hold the mask with the straps down, he discovered this easy fix.


Watch How Bryan Starts A Mask-On Skin Fade Below!

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Pro Tip: Using this trick to achieve a normal fade or haircut? Here’s another tip: When working around the ear, use a comb to ensure a consistently even cut with complete control.


Prep & Finish Fades Like This

Skin fades create a high-contrast look, especially for clients with curly and wavy hair on top. Before starting a haircut, style the hair into place by applying American Crew® Light Hold Styling Gel and blow-drying. This will help secure the style on top, while you fade down the sides.


Here are a few of Bryan’s go-to American Crew combos for fades and men’s styling: 


  • Favorite Duo: Boost Powder for lift and grit + Matte Clay for medium hold. 


  • Adding Fullness + Texture: Defining Paste for pliable hold + Fiber to thicken. 


  • Curly Hair: Firm Hold Styling Gel for thickness without drying out the scalp + Fiber Grooming Foam for longer lengths. 


  • Finish Every Fade + Short Cut Like This: Use Alternator Finishing Spray for long-lasting hold, plus this makes styles re-shapeable with restyling power. 


Products Used


Peep This Post-Quarantine Fresh Fade Below!

Barbers Skin Fade With Coronavirus Client's Mask On Tip Bryan Rendon American Crew
Instagram via @bryan_rendon


Want More? Swipe To Peep This Dramatic Transformation!

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