Articles > Business > WHAT WOULD YOU DO: When Your New Salon Hands You A 30-Day Eviction Notice

WHAT WOULD YOU DO: When Your New Salon Hands You A 30-Day Eviction Notice

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You’ve been renting a chair for months now, and still have some time before your rental agreement is up. But all of a sudden the salon owner hands you a 30-day eviction notice with no explanation. Is it legal to cancel a signed contract for no reason? What are your rights as the renter? One stylist in this situation needs help, so we reached out to the BTC Community to get their advice. Keep reading to find out what other hairdressers and salon owners had to say!


“I am an independent station rent stylist. I’ve been at the salon I’m currently at for 7 months, and when I first started I signed a 1 year lease agreement. The other day I received a 30-day eviction notice from the salon owner. When I questioned why she told me because it wasn’t working out for her personally. Mind you, I’m there 3½ days a week, I am fully booked, always on time, never called in sick or had to reschedule clients, I have amazing reviews on Yelp and I’ve never had any customer complaints. I am just baffled. Is this even legal to cancel a signed contract for no reason? No explanation whatsoever. I don’t know what to do or what my rights are. The salon owner told me I can vacate before the 30 days are up and she will refund me back the rent money for the month. I even got an email with all my clients names and phone numbers. I feel like they are just pushing me out, again with no reason or explanation. HELP!”


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Take A Second Look At The Contract


“Only thing I can say is read your lease agreement. I included an ‘escape clause’ in mine because I didn’t want someone there who didn’t want to be. It also gave me some protection if someone was not working out. Check your particular state laws as well. That being said, it doesn’t seem like a signed contract can just be canceled. Read the agreement carefully. Look for things like ‘due harm’ or ‘just cause.’ These unfortunately are very vague. Good luck.” – @hellobeautifulsaloncharlotte


“Read your contract. A ‘lease’ agreement always has a buyout and a notice clause. If it says she, the Lessor, can terminate within a 30-day NTV, she can do it without cause and you have no recourse.” – Kim Stair


“I would say leave however she’s breaking the lease and there has to be penalties for that. Check the state laws because every state is different and reread all the fine print in your lease. Maybe she put wording in there that covers this. In the long run though, it doesn’t sound like a place you’d want to be working if the owner doesn’t like you.” – Amy Wetzler


“Pull out your contract and read it! Most leases have a clause stating both parties have an out with so many days notice. If it really is important to you to find out why, then schedule a meeting with her after you leave. It seems either way it is time for you to go and find a better fit for you.” – @pjshairart


“If there’s a clause in your contract stating she has the right to evict you before your 1 year is up, she’s totally within her rights. If there’s no such clause, you can fight it. But will it be worth it? It’s emotional and financial distress to you, your clients and other stylists. I say this because a previous owner at a salon I used to lease from went through it. It was terrible for all of us in there. Be grateful she’s given you client info, count your blessings and move on to bigger and better things!” – @larue_chacha



Just Move On


“You could sue her but do you want to burn that bridge? You never know when/if you may need that bridge again. Plus, in the beauty industry, burning a bridge is a bad idea. I’d just use the 30 days and find a new salon. If you’re that busy and a reliable stylist, then I’d think most salon owners would bring you aboard. I’m sure staying there is awkward now. Just say good things, take the high road and make money at a new location.” – Sheldon Sawchyn


“There’s always a more fabulous salon to work for! You should never stay somewhere you’re not wanted and fully appreciated. If you have clients then another salon will be grateful and happy to have you. Find your tribe!” – @godiegogordon


“I think that you should run. If you want legal advice, consult a lawyer. There are legal aids and volunteer lawyers you can talk to but honestly, I think you should just go. If she wants to do this out of the blue for reasons that don’t make sense to you now, who knows what else she will do down the line. Find a new place ASAP so you can get prorated rent and take your clients and run! Don’t force it because you obviously don’t know where her head is at.” – Missy Sloane


“You have the list of your clients and the opportunity to run and start your own thing. You can even start doing it at home! Why would you stay in a place where people don’t appreciate your good job? Come on, you can do this!” – @karenpivaral_


“If I were in your shoes, I’d be looking for a well-established salon to take your loyal clients to. Only thing you will have to be careful of is handing out your number to any of the salon clients as this is poaching and she could get you on a gross misconduct! So be extremely discreet. Good luck in finding a suitable work place!” – @dionnem1984


“I would just find another place. You have your clients so that’s a plus. I would just move on—who needs that kind of drama in their life? When one door closes another one opens. Hopefully it will be a new adventure and more prosperous for you.” – Jenny Brigham Bruce 



Something’s Going On Behind Closed Doors


“I dare say there is more to this story. There is probably a clause in the lease where the owner has a right to terminate under certain circumstances. It could be a conflict in personalities, work ethic, professionalism, etc. Move on and learn from the experience. It’s hardly worth a lawsuit for 4 or 5 months. Another salon will welcome you and your clients with open arms.” – Deborah Foote Bocchino


“I’m wondering if she isn’t doing well financially. Maybe she is closing her doors and is trying to be quiet about it. Take this opportunity and run with it! Good luck!” – @ladychignon


“Sounds like she is in a bind herself so she’s trying to get rid of everyone around her. And since you were the last to come in to her salon, you have to be first out of the salon.” – @dlovesyourhair


“I think there’s more here than the one side. I think the owner is being very generous and your personality might not be working for her salon, which I commend her for if she’s protecting her salon from bad vibes possibly. You don’t want to be somewhere you are not wanted. Take your fully booked schedule, go somewhere else and consider some introspection as to why she would go to extreme lengths to remove you from her salon.” – Kristina Gumble


“She is about to get put out, so you may want to take your clients, credentials and move on. She is probably too embarrased to tell you the truth.” – @monadcoiffeur


“She sounds like she’s being very fair by giving you your client list. If you really haven’t done anything to warrant this then there must be a reason on her side that’s she’s not telling you about. If you have your clients you can go anywhere in the area.” – @colorbyrose


“Unfortunately, something is off. These things don’t just happen out of the blue. Set up a meeting with her and talk about the issues…As for an email with all your client info, that is odd. I have been an independent stylist renting a chair before, and I handled my own books and my clients were separate from the salon’s clients. Also, I made my own schedule, so if something happened and I needed to reschedule clients, I contacted them directly. There was no impact on the salon…Personally, if I was being asked to leave, I wouldn’t want to stay even after talking to the owner and figuring out what the issue is. I wouldn’t want the negative vibes or possible hostility.” – Tammy Lynne Methner



Protect Your Book & Clientele


“You received an email with your clients’ names and phone numbers? Why as an independent renter do they have this info? My advice is guard your book in the future and look elsewhere immediately.” – Nathalie Lariviere


“If you’re an independent stylist, why does she even have a list of your clients? That’s odd.” – @maxwellbryant121490


“I’m pretty sure that to evict you, you have to violate a term on the contract. And if you’re independent, why does she have your clients’ info?” – Anita McLeod Turner


“Why does she have your client list? Do they schedule appointments for you? Do you pay for that service? Does she have you on commission? The IRS is very clear that those make you an employee. Some owners do this and label you independent. It’s illegal and they could get in a lot of trouble. As an independent stylist, YOU set your schedule, take appointments, work as you see fit, collect your own money, do your own marketing/advertising, etc., unless you are paying for that service…There can be some ‘house rules’ but the IRS is pretty clear about what separates an independent from an employee.” – @hellobeautifulsaloncharlotte


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