Articles > Toning > Gabriel Samra’s Top 4 Shadow Root Secrets

Gabriel Samra’s Top 4 Shadow Root Secrets

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  • Formula A (shadow root)

    TRUSS Professional Color Semi-Permanent 6N + 7N (equal parts) + 6-volume developer

  • Formula B (mids to ends toner)

    TRUSS Professional Color Semi-Permanent 11.2 + 10.3 (equal parts) + 10-volume 

Photo Credit: Instagram via @gabrielsamra

How To Erase Harsh Lines on Dark Natural Levels

With over two million followers on Instagram, Global TRUSS Professional Ambassador Gabriel Samra (@gabrielsamra) has become a household salon name known for his signature bold Brazilian blondes. The coveted seamless blend that made the look so viral is created through his shadow root application—and it’s time you knew his secrets. Learn how Gabriel erases harsh lines on dark natural levels, his tips for even application and go-to formulas. 


Check out the blended end result below:

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Photo Credit: Instagram via @gabrielsamra


Quick Tips: 4 Shadow Root Hacks To Save for Later

1. To make the hairline pop: Section off a small triangle at the hairline and apply your root shadow to this area last to keep it bright. For the rest of the hair, Gabriel uses one large section in the back from ear to ear and two sections on the side of the head.


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2. Avoid painting your shadow root on DRY hair. “You need to make sure the highlights are hydrated, or wet. I’ll use TRUSS Professional Deluxe Prime Hair Reconstructor to keep the hair hydrated, repair the hair, neutralize the pH and add all the nutrients back that the hair loses throughout the bleaching process,” Gabriel shares. This will also provide extra blend insurance.


Shop Deluxe Prime Hair Reconstructor and Gabriel’s favorites here!


3. For a seamless application, follow Gabriel’s process: Work from the nape upward, divide the hair into horizontal sections and apply your toner at the roots. Then, lightly drag the product to where the highlights begin. Placing your shadow root above the highlights will keep them bright.


Gabriel’s favorite root shadow formula for a bright, but blended blonde is TRUSS Professional Color Semi-Permanent 6N + 7N


4. Mimic your highlight pattern when approaching the shadow root around the hairline. Work up each side of the head in fine horizontal sections, combing through each section and carefully tapping the color in the same direction you lifted the hair. (Watch Gabriel’s technique at 11:30 in the full video tutorial.)


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Press play to see Gabriel’s tips in action!


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