Back-To-Work Stylists Answer Common Reopening Questions
Get Answers To Common Salon Reopening Questions Below
Now that some salons started opening as early as April 24, stylists want to know what the new normal is like—and back-to-work stylists delivered in the comments section of a recent #btcwhatwouldyoudo. They answered questions like how to cut with gloves on, how to cut and color around a face mask and whether it’s been hard to get products. Keep scrolling to get their answers to common reopening questions!
“Hi, I’m from Georgia but please keep me anonymous. Have any other salons opened and how is it going? I think salons opened in Oklahoma? We opened and it’s been going pretty smooth! Our boss gave everyone the choice but most of us went back. The clients have been super respectful although everything is for sure super strange! We are doing everything advised and wearing masks have been the hardest. We are now open on Sundays and Mondays, too, because we are adhering to the way less clients at a time rule—a lot less but it’s better than none. I kind of feel like there’s a great energy to everyone even though we are still cautiously weird about it all. Anyway, interested to know about other salons in opened areas. Prayers to all! Thank you!”
Question 1: “I’m curious how salons that have opened are handling the mask situation for clients. Where have you found them? Are you requiring clients to purchase a mask for their appointment or supplying them?” – @miss___alissa
- Answer: “We sent our clients the new guidelines and asked that they come with one on. All the extra things we have needed we were able to purchase. You can purchase disposable masks to keep on hand for those who don’t come with one on.” – @donnahfox
Question 2: “Are you wearing gloves to cut? How is it cutting around the ears with face masks on clients?” – @gin_gotro
- Answer: “Yes, I’m wearing them. Just make sure the gloves don’t fit too loose. The masks weren’t as complicated around the ears as I thought. If it straps around the ear, I push the strap and ear down to get right onto the curve. I admit it was a bit tricky the first few cuts, but I got the hang of it. There are some clients who wear the ones that strap all around the head but you can adjust them down to the neckline without their mask falling off. For women’s cuts, honestly, it’s no different. Just make sure the hair isn’t looped underneath the straps and you won’t struggle.” – @cosmobelle
Question 3: “How on earth can you color or cut your client if they are wearing a mask with double elastic around the back of their heads? That’s one of my many worries.” – @donnahfox
- Answer: “…What I was able to do was wiggle it down so that both straps are below the ear. Basically, I stretched it down to the neck. Their mask did not become loose when I did this and they said it wasn’t uncomfortable either…..” – @cosmobelle
Question 4: “Has it been hard to get products? Are your beauty supply stores open as well?” – @katesplacesalon
- Answers:
“Some are hard to get. Thank God I’m a hoarder—had lots of product to hold me!” – @aalacey1952
- “Go straight to your product retailers.” – @lynn_light_style
- We’ve heard beauty supply stores like SalonCentric and CosmoProf are offering curbside pickup or shipping in different states.
Question 5: “I’m curious as to what are the exact guidelines that you’re required to follow?” – @irisd_
- Answers:
“BTC posted an article that contains a link to the pdf on their site with full guidelines. It’s pretty rigorous.” – @80_proof_fineapple
- Guidelines may vary by state so please check your state board’s specific health and safety recommendations when preparing to reopen. Check out our state-by-state guide to see where your state stands on reopening.
Question 6: “…I have heard blow dryers are not safe. I wonder about the logistics of that.” – @rausgu
- Answers:
“…When we go back, I will be asking people to leave without a blow dry for probably the first couple of months. Not to mention asking them to leave without a blow dry will help you be able to get more clients in.” – @avalonhairsalonjax
- Though we haven’t found any specific information on whether blow drys should be allowed or not, some states are specifically limiting blow drys or some salons are choosing to avoid blow drys altogether.
Question 7: “So will the price be less without the blow dry?” – @frankie_and_maxwell
- Answer: “My recommendation if you normally include it is to take off a little bit. Like, say you charge $30 for just a blow dry by itself, but you usually include it with a color service. I would probably discount the color service by $15 to make it fair. Just a suggestion.” – @avalonhairsalonjax
Question 8: “To those who have opened, what are your policies on services? Are you blow drying? Are you offering shampoos with haircuts or just dry cuts? Are you using disposable capes and/or aprons? Did you increase prices due to additional supplies?” – @createxcolor
- Answer: “It seems each stylist is making these decisions as we move forward. I don’t think we will know exactly what protocol we will go with until we’re actually working on clients under these new guidelines. Many salons are not blow drying, some are asking that you come with your hair shampooed already. We ordered the disposable capes and aprons and unfortunately, we will have a surcharge for all the extra cleaning in between clients and the supplies to clean with.” – @donnahfox
Question 9: “How many stylists and clients are allowed to be in the salon at a time?” – @clutlo
- Answers:
“In Georgia, we’re being told no more than 10 people at all times inside of the building. This number includes stylists. Clients wait in their cars until it’s their appointment time. You also have to set up your stylist stations and dryer chairs 6 feet apart…” – @donnahfox
- Each state is issuing its own rules for capacity restrictions in businesses so be sure to check our state-by-state guide to see what your state says, which is updated daily!
Question 10: “What’s the limit of time they suggest with one client?” – @rknstylist
- Answer: “We don’t begin until Friday but we assume at least one hour, possibly longer, for the first visit back for just a simple haircut service. Color, two hours AT LEAST. Some stylists are not even offering blow drying. We just have to see how things progress…We factored our cleaning time in this as well…” – @donnahfox
Question 11: “I’m curious if it is true that you have to change your smock and capes after every client as per the guideline states. Geez, that seems like a ton of laundry. I know my salon here in Missouri doesn’t even have enough capes and smocks to be doing that!” – @lianne__96
- Answer: “It’s true! Plastic disposables for both.” – @donnahfox
Question 12: “What will it be like going back? Besides wearing masks and obviously constantly sanitizing everything, what are you doing differently? How many people are working each day as I would imagine everybody is splitting shifts. Also, is it true that blow drying will not be allowed?” – Semra Stebleva-Islam
- Answer: “Yes to splitting shifts. Schedule 15 minutes of sanitation between clients, change smocks after every client (I’m using $1 rain ponchos), no use of the waiting room. No walk-ins, blow drying is not recommended (I’m blow drying color guests) but it is recommended they come in with clean, dry hair. It goes on but those are some of the highlights.” – Macy Diehl
Question 13: “Is Georgia wearing gloves, masks and gowns as required?” – @diazgoodlifehair
- Answers:
“I’m in Georgia and starting back on the May 12. All of that is required. I’m also gonna wear a face shield as it’s recommended by the state board.” – @rebel_hair_by_tracy_carreker
- ” Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) isn’t required but recommended. Masks are required.” – @k_lynadams
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