Articles > Transformation > The 5-Year Transformation

The 5-Year Transformation

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Transformations that happen in one salon appointment are exciting and fun, plus it’s nice to know they’re not totally impossible—but, there is something to be said about a client and stylists who take the transformation process seriously, slowly and carefully.


When a client can commit to changing their look and their stylists can take their time paying attention to every detail and keeping the integrity of the hair, the results are often beautiful, healthy strands that everyone will be envious of. We know this, because we shared this transformation shot on our Instagram and it got more 16,000 likes, and when we went to gather more info on the look, we found out that the makeover took place over a five-year period!



We talked to Chloe Brown who has gone to colorist/stylist @alliedoeshair for the last couple of years and here’s what she said about the long process.


The Cut
@alliedoeshair first cut Chloe’s hair in 2013 and since then, they have been consistently cutting it shorter and coloring it during her yearly visits to the salon. At the beginning of 2017, @andrewdoeshair took on Chloe’s cuts while Allie continued to color her locks. Since Chloe’s hair is on the thicker side, Andrew and Allie cut it very short underneath so that it will lay flatter to her head, and all of the short parts are cut with scissors instead of clippers, to maintain a soft texturized look


The first big chop done by @alliedoeshair!


The Color
Chloe’s natural color is a dark ashy brown, about a Level 4, and since 2013, Chloe has been going consistently lighter and is now rocking a seamless silver blend thanks to @alliedoeshair. Here’s a look at the transformation process and the steps for her cool silver shade.




The Time
Allie says coloring Chloe’s hair takes her five hours for a full head of foils and four to five hours for the root touch-up. The touch-up takes almost just as long as a full head because Allie is very particular with where she places the lightener—she never lightens any previously-processed hair. 


The Formulas

Formula A: Schwarzkopf Professional IGORA Vario Blond Powder Lightener + 20-volume developer

Formula B: Redken Shades EQ 7NB + 9N + Shades EQ Processing Solution

Formula C: Shades EQ 9N + 9T + Shades EQ Processing Solution


The Steps
Alternate highlights and babylights throughout the entire head using Formula A. Make sure to lighten the hair all the way to the roots and to never lighten over the hair that is already blonde. This will help keep the integrity of the hair.


2. Once the entire head is complete, let process, then shampoo/condition and towel-dry.


3. Tone the root area at the shampoo bowl with Formula B. This formula will tone down the color, giving a slight root shadow effect. Then tone the rest of the hair with Formula C—this formula will create a bright silver-white shade. Let process, then shampoo/condition and style as desired.


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  • Formula A:

    Schwarzkopf Professional IGORA Vario Blond Powder Lightener + 20-volume developer

  • Formula B:

    Redken Shades EQ 7NB + 9N + Shades EQ Processing Solution

  • Formula C:

    Shades EQ 9N + 9T + Shades EQ Processing Solution


Watch @alliedoeshair complete the second color application.