Last updated: May 30, 2017
Wella Professionals® Cosmic Blonde Highlighting Service
Wella Professionals® Cosmic Blonde Highlighting Service
Try your hand at this Cosmic Blonde Step-by-Step from Wella Professionals®. For brilliant blonde results that are truly out of this world, use the award-winning Wella Koleston Perfect Special Blondes.
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Hair Condition: Good/Normal
Hair Type: Straight
Hair Texture: Normal to medium
Initial/Natural Haircolor: 6/0
Hair Length: Below Shoulder
Color Technique: Cosmic Zigzag
A) Koleston Perfect® Special Blonde – shade 12/7, mixing ration 1:2 with Koleston Prefect Crème Developer 40 Vol. (12%)
B) Blondor® Lightening Powder – mizing ration 1:1.5 with Koleston Perfect Crème Developer 20 Vol. (6%)
C) Koleston Perfect – shade 6/7, mixing ratio 1:1 with Koleston Perfect Crème Developer 20 Vol. (6%)
Formula A: gold foils, warm color
Formula B: blue foils, cool color
Formula C: all remaining hair
• Starting at the nape of the neck, take diagonal zigzag sections working left to right around the curvature of the head.
• Work from narrow to wide points.
• Use the zigzag technique around the sides toward the hairline and across the top of the head, leaving an arc section to enhance the fringe area.
• Create five sections in total.
• Starting at the nape, take vertical slices, working left to right.
• Apply Formula A (for first slice).
• Apply Formula B (for second slice). Continue alternating throughout technique.
• For the second section, work right to left to create a harmonious contrast of color placement.
• Apply Formula C to all remaining hair.
• Continue contrast slicing through sections, folding foils at narrow points of section into triangles to ensure seamless finish.
• Work until only fringe arc is remaining.
• Depending on the haircut, choose which directions to slice the fringe.
The Benefits of the Cosmic Zigzag Technique
• Zigzag placement maximizes the interplay of cool and warm color choices.
• The vertical arrangement maximizes desirable “ribbon effect,” giving maximum clarity to color placement.
• The technique offers commercial viability, from a trendy and extremely effective alternative to classic full-head highlighting techniques.
• Cosmic Zigzag can also be used for partial sections to customize the look.