How-Tos > Hair Color > Midnight Rainbow Melt
Last updated: August 03, 2017

Midnight Rainbow Melt

close formula
  • Formula A:

    1 scoop Light Master + ½ oz. Light Master Oil Additive + 1 oz. 20-volume MATRIX Cream Developer + BOND Ultim8 Step 1

  • Formula B:

    1:1 COLOR SYNC 3N + 10-volume MATRIX Cream Developer + BOND Ultim8 Step 1

  • Formula C:

    1:1 COLOR SYNC Vinyls Midnight Violet + 10-volume MATRIX Cream Developer + BOND Ultim8 Step 1

  • Formula D:

    1:1 COLOR SYNC Vinyls Cobalt Blue + 10-volume MATRIX Cream Developer + BOND Ultim8 Step 1

  • Formula E:

    1:1 COLOR SYNC Vinyls Crimson Red + 10-volume MATRIX Cream Developer + BOND Ultim8 Step 1

When your dark-hued clients want fashion colors but aren’t interested in losing their deep base, try this color melt technique from Matrix. With their new COLOR SYNC Vinyl line, you can create bold colors starting on Level 5 bases. 


Manufacturer: Matrix, @matrix


  • Formula A:

    1 scoop Light Master + ½ oz. Light Master Oil Additive + 1 oz. 20-volume MATRIX Cream Developer + BOND Ultim8 Step 1

  • Formula B:

    1:1 COLOR SYNC 3N + 10-volume MATRIX Cream Developer + BOND Ultim8 Step 1

  • Formula C:

    1:1 COLOR SYNC Vinyls Midnight Violet + 10-volume MATRIX Cream Developer + BOND Ultim8 Step 1

  • Formula D:

    1:1 COLOR SYNC Vinyls Cobalt Blue + 10-volume MATRIX Cream Developer + BOND Ultim8 Step 1

  • Formula E:

    1:1 COLOR SYNC Vinyls Crimson Red + 10-volume MATRIX Cream Developer + BOND Ultim8 Step 1

Products Used


  • 1

    Create a center parting from the front hairline to the nape. Then, take a parting from across the top of the head, extending it from the top of the ear to the top of the other ear. Secure all sections for control.

  • 2

    Starting in the nape, take a diagonal slice and, with a freehand technique, apply Formula A at the midlengths and ends feathering up toward the scalp but staying a few inches away. Repeat until all sections are complete, let process until desired lightness is achieved, then rinse. 

  • 3

    Next, to create a deeper base, apply Formula B to the new growth. Then, working down the hair strand, melt Formulas C, D and E (in that order) using a Kabuki Brush for a seamless blend.

  • 4

    Repeat this application method, alternating the formula order, until all sections are complete. Then, let process up to 20 minutes at room temperature, rinse thoroughly, apply BOND Ultim8 Step 2 for 10 minutes and rinse again. 

  • 5

    Finish the service with Total Results Color Obsessed Shampoo and Conditioner, and send your client home with a BOND Ultim8 Step 3 weekly for additional nourishment at home.

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