How-Tos > Hair > MOP Twiggy Step-by-Step
Last updated: January 21, 2006

MOP Twiggy Step-by-Step

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MOP Twiggy Step-by-Step

In this modern haircut we incorporate a clean short shape with an asymmetric top.

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    Section the hair asymmetrically from top and bottom.

    Take a horseshoe shaped section to divide the top and bottom of the head at the recession area.

    Creating the underneath

    1.  Take a vertical section on the side at the front.

    2.  Hold the hair at 90 degrees straight out from the head and point cut the hair.

    3.  Our guide to length is at the corner of the eyebrow.

    Working with the interior first establishes a loose perimeter.

    4.  Using a traveling guide, take vertical sections cutting at 90 degrees all the way around the head.

    5.  Continue to work around the head cross checking for balance making sure you see a strong traveling guideline for each consecutive section.

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    Creating head shape at the nape:

    1.  Take a central vertical section from the crown to the nape.

    2.  Take a steep diagonal forward section from the center out.

    3.  Hold the hair at a 90 degree angle and cut according to the head shape to taper and contour underneath the occipital bone.

    4.  Just beside that section take another that is parallel to the first and cut in the diagonal.

    5.  As you move up the head your elevation moves from 90 to 45.

    6.  Continue with the sections until you have removed the weight at the nape leaving softness at the perimeter.

    7.  Move to the other side and repeat.

    8.  Perimeter shape using the comb and points of the scissors to create a soft design around the ears and nape.

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    Creating the asymmetry at the top:

    1.  Take a curved diagonal back section beginning at the recession and crossing the crown.
    2.  Switching to the razor, work horizontally straight on top of the guideline from the underneath. Hold the hair at 45 degrees and stroke the hair with the razor creating a variable softness.

    3.  Work parallel to the diagonal parting all the way around. Once you have reached the back section begin to deviate from the guideline below creating a new guideline on top.

    You have now created a stationary guide where all sections on top will be over directed, moving from short to long. This will begin to build in the asymmetric top moving from the minimal to the maximum side.

    4.  Take another curved diagonal back section parallel to the previous section and repeat pulling the hair to the guideline at the minimal side.

    5.  Repeat these sections until you run out of hair.

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    Clean up disconnection on the maximum side.

    The Finish:
    To create the modern finish by use MOP Glisten High Shine Pomade, providing shine and separation, combined with a light hold.

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