Larisa Love’s Star Color Melt

- Formula A
Joico Vero K-PAK VeroLight Lightening Powder + 10-volume Veroxide
- Formula B
Vero K-PAK Creme Lightener + 20-volume Veroxide
- Formula C
Joico Vero K-PAK Color Toner TSB + 10-volume Veroxide
- Formula D
Joico Color Intensity Confetti Collection Rose
- Formula E
Color Intensity Confetti Collection Peach
- Formula F
Color Intensity Confetti Collection Lilac

Larisa Love’s Star Color Melt
The key to this multidimensional melt? The sectioning! A star-shaped section at the top helps you create even sections throughout, explains Larisa Love, aka @larisadoll. Check it out!
- Formula A
Joico Vero K-PAK VeroLight Lightening Powder + 10-volume Veroxide
- Formula B
Vero K-PAK Creme Lightener + 20-volume Veroxide
- Formula C
Joico Vero K-PAK Color Toner TSB + 10-volume Veroxide
- Formula D
Joico Color Intensity Confetti Collection Rose
- Formula E
Color Intensity Confetti Collection Peach
- Formula F
Color Intensity Confetti Collection Lilac
Products Used
- Formula A
Joico Vero K-PAK VeroLight Lightening Powder + 10-volume Veroxide
- Formula B
Vero K-PAK Creme Lightener + 20-volume Veroxide
- Formula C
Joico Vero K-PAK Color Toner TSB + 10-volume Veroxide
- Formula D
Joico Color Intensity Confetti Collection Rose
- Formula E
Color Intensity Confetti Collection Peach
- Formula F
Color Intensity Confetti Collection Lilac
- Formula A
- Formula A
Joico Vero K-PAK VeroLight Lightening Powder + 10-volume Veroxide
- Formula B
Vero K-PAK Creme Lightener + 20-volume Veroxide
- Formula C
Joico Vero K-PAK Color Toner TSB + 10-volume Veroxide
- Formula D
Joico Color Intensity Confetti Collection Rose
- Formula E
Color Intensity Confetti Collection Peach
- Formula F
Color Intensity Confetti Collection Lilac
2Lighten hair to a Level 10 by applying Formula A from the midshafts to ends and Formula B to the scalp area.
- Formula A
- Formula A
Joico Vero K-PAK VeroLight Lightening Powder + 10-volume Veroxide
- Formula B
Vero K-PAK Creme Lightener + 20-volume Veroxide
- Formula C
Joico Vero K-PAK Color Toner TSB + 10-volume Veroxide
- Formula D
Joico Color Intensity Confetti Collection Rose
- Formula E
Color Intensity Confetti Collection Peach
- Formula F
Color Intensity Confetti Collection Lilac
3Tone the hair with Formula C to achieve a silver finish.
- Formula A
- Formula A
Joico Vero K-PAK VeroLight Lightening Powder + 10-volume Veroxide
- Formula B
Vero K-PAK Creme Lightener + 20-volume Veroxide
- Formula C
Joico Vero K-PAK Color Toner TSB + 10-volume Veroxide
- Formula D
Joico Color Intensity Confetti Collection Rose
- Formula E
Color Intensity Confetti Collection Peach
- Formula F
Color Intensity Confetti Collection Lilac
4Create a star-shaped section at the crown. Leave out a half inch of the fringe, then start the star-shaped section from here. Clip this section out of the way.
- Formula A
- Formula A
Joico Vero K-PAK VeroLight Lightening Powder + 10-volume Veroxide
- Formula B
Vero K-PAK Creme Lightener + 20-volume Veroxide
- Formula C
Joico Vero K-PAK Color Toner TSB + 10-volume Veroxide
- Formula D
Joico Color Intensity Confetti Collection Rose
- Formula E
Color Intensity Confetti Collection Peach
- Formula F
Color Intensity Confetti Collection Lilac
5Section the hair left out of the star into seven sections. The star section at the top will help you create even sections at the bottom.
- Formula A
- Formula A
Joico Vero K-PAK VeroLight Lightening Powder + 10-volume Veroxide
- Formula B
Vero K-PAK Creme Lightener + 20-volume Veroxide
- Formula C
Joico Vero K-PAK Color Toner TSB + 10-volume Veroxide
- Formula D
Joico Color Intensity Confetti Collection Rose
- Formula E
Color Intensity Confetti Collection Peach
- Formula F
Color Intensity Confetti Collection Lilac
6Begin with the largest section in the back. Paint on Formula D starting at the roots and working your way to the ends. Completely saturate the hair. When you finish saturating the section, braid it to keep the hair out of the way.
- Formula A
- Formula A
Joico Vero K-PAK VeroLight Lightening Powder + 10-volume Veroxide
- Formula B
Vero K-PAK Creme Lightener + 20-volume Veroxide
- Formula C
Joico Vero K-PAK Color Toner TSB + 10-volume Veroxide
- Formula D
Joico Color Intensity Confetti Collection Rose
- Formula E
Color Intensity Confetti Collection Peach
- Formula F
Color Intensity Confetti Collection Lilac
7Apply Formula E to either side of the first section. Alternate between Formulas D and E until you reach the front.
Pro Tip: It’s really important to move other sections completely out of the way so that the sections don’t bleed. Hold the hair up as you braid to keep the color from touching the skin.
- Formula A
- Formula A
Joico Vero K-PAK VeroLight Lightening Powder + 10-volume Veroxide
- Formula B
Vero K-PAK Creme Lightener + 20-volume Veroxide
- Formula C
Joico Vero K-PAK Color Toner TSB + 10-volume Veroxide
- Formula D
Joico Color Intensity Confetti Collection Rose
- Formula E
Color Intensity Confetti Collection Peach
- Formula F
Color Intensity Confetti Collection Lilac
8When you reach the two sections at the front, switch to a color melting technique to blend two colors together. Apply Formula F at the roots, then switch to Formula E down toward the ends.
- Formula A
- Formula A
Joico Vero K-PAK VeroLight Lightening Powder + 10-volume Veroxide
- Formula B
Vero K-PAK Creme Lightener + 20-volume Veroxide
- Formula C
Joico Vero K-PAK Color Toner TSB + 10-volume Veroxide
- Formula D
Joico Color Intensity Confetti Collection Rose
- Formula E
Color Intensity Confetti Collection Peach
- Formula F
Color Intensity Confetti Collection Lilac
9Use a finger-scissor blending technique to blur the line where the two colors meet.
- Formula A
- Formula A
Joico Vero K-PAK VeroLight Lightening Powder + 10-volume Veroxide
- Formula B
Vero K-PAK Creme Lightener + 20-volume Veroxide
- Formula C
Joico Vero K-PAK Color Toner TSB + 10-volume Veroxide
- Formula D
Joico Color Intensity Confetti Collection Rose
- Formula E
Color Intensity Confetti Collection Peach
- Formula F
Color Intensity Confetti Collection Lilac
10After the bottom sections are done, apply meche along the section line to prevent the colors from bleeding together.
- Formula A
- Formula A
Joico Vero K-PAK VeroLight Lightening Powder + 10-volume Veroxide
- Formula B
Vero K-PAK Creme Lightener + 20-volume Veroxide
- Formula C
Joico Vero K-PAK Color Toner TSB + 10-volume Veroxide
- Formula D
Joico Color Intensity Confetti Collection Rose
- Formula E
Color Intensity Confetti Collection Peach
- Formula F
Color Intensity Confetti Collection Lilac
11Next, it’s time for the star. Section out each triangle point of the star until you’re left with a center hexagon.
- Formula A
- Formula A
Joico Vero K-PAK VeroLight Lightening Powder + 10-volume Veroxide
- Formula B
Vero K-PAK Creme Lightener + 20-volume Veroxide
- Formula C
Joico Vero K-PAK Color Toner TSB + 10-volume Veroxide
- Formula D
Joico Color Intensity Confetti Collection Rose
- Formula E
Color Intensity Confetti Collection Peach
- Formula F
Color Intensity Confetti Collection Lilac
12For each point of the star, continue to use the color melting technique to blend two different colors together on one section. For this look, all the roots will be Formula F, with the ends alternating between Formulas D and E.
- Formula A
- Formula A
Joico Vero K-PAK VeroLight Lightening Powder + 10-volume Veroxide
- Formula B
Vero K-PAK Creme Lightener + 20-volume Veroxide
- Formula C
Joico Vero K-PAK Color Toner TSB + 10-volume Veroxide
- Formula D
Joico Color Intensity Confetti Collection Rose
- Formula E
Color Intensity Confetti Collection Peach
- Formula F
Color Intensity Confetti Collection Lilac
13As you work toward the back of the head, paint Formula F farther down the hair.
- Formula A
- Formula A
Joico Vero K-PAK VeroLight Lightening Powder + 10-volume Veroxide
- Formula B
Vero K-PAK Creme Lightener + 20-volume Veroxide
- Formula C
Joico Vero K-PAK Color Toner TSB + 10-volume Veroxide
- Formula D
Joico Color Intensity Confetti Collection Rose
- Formula E
Color Intensity Confetti Collection Peach
- Formula F
Color Intensity Confetti Collection Lilac
14Continue until all the points are completely saturated, then cover with the meche.
- Formula A
- Formula A
Joico Vero K-PAK VeroLight Lightening Powder + 10-volume Veroxide
- Formula B
Vero K-PAK Creme Lightener + 20-volume Veroxide
- Formula C
Joico Vero K-PAK Color Toner TSB + 10-volume Veroxide
- Formula D
Joico Color Intensity Confetti Collection Rose
- Formula E
Color Intensity Confetti Collection Peach
- Formula F
Color Intensity Confetti Collection Lilac
15Take the top hexagon and split it in half. Continue with the color melting technique on each side, shifting from Formula F in the teardrop shape to either Formulas D and E.
Pro Tip: Double-check to make sure application is even on both sides.
- Formula A
- Formula A
Joico Vero K-PAK VeroLight Lightening Powder + 10-volume Veroxide
- Formula B
Vero K-PAK Creme Lightener + 20-volume Veroxide
- Formula C
Joico Vero K-PAK Color Toner TSB + 10-volume Veroxide
- Formula D
Joico Color Intensity Confetti Collection Rose
- Formula E
Color Intensity Confetti Collection Peach
- Formula F
Color Intensity Confetti Collection Lilac
16When you’re done, the section with Formula F should resemble a teardrop shape. The result is multidimensional, yet will still melt and flow together. Process for 20 minutes without heat. Shampoo and condition with K-PAK Color Therapy, then style hair as desired. For color that lasts up to three times longer, send your client home with Color CO+Wash Whipped Cleansing Conditioner.
- Formula A
- Formula A
Joico Vero K-PAK VeroLight Lightening Powder + 10-volume Veroxide
- Formula B
Vero K-PAK Creme Lightener + 20-volume Veroxide
- Formula C
Joico Vero K-PAK Color Toner TSB + 10-volume Veroxide
- Formula D
Joico Color Intensity Confetti Collection Rose
- Formula E
Color Intensity Confetti Collection Peach
- Formula F
Color Intensity Confetti Collection Lilac
17Finished Look
- Formula A
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