How-Tos > Hair > How-To Create the “Mad Men” Betty Draper Look
Last updated: March 28, 2012

How-To Create the “Mad Men” Betty Draper Look

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How-To Create the “Mad Men” Betty Draper Look

Everyone is mad about Mad Men, and judging by the style we see every week, it’s no wonder! From carefully-sculpted bobs to teased wonders, the show stays utterly faithful (unlike Don Draper) to the style of the ‘50s and ‘60s. But how do you recreate those looks on your clients?

Mad Men Hair Department Head Terrie V. Owen is responsible for the perfectly polished coif Betty Draper wears on the show, and in the following pages, she shows us how to create the look!

Want more Mad Men? See how you can create Joan’s French twist!


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    Part the hair on the side you wish. Create small sections parallel to the part and spray with White Sands Liquid Texture Thermal Styling Spray.

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    After spraying each section with White Sands Liquid Texture Thermal Styling Spray, start curling each section toward the face with hot rollers or a 3/4-inch curling iron. Keep the curls parallel to the side part and curl the entire head.  

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    3 Once the hair has cooled, you’ll brush out curls. Terrie suggests brushing straight down with a natural bristle brush, like a Mason Pearson brush, as a plastic vent brush doesn’t provide the same effect. Brush into a smooth style and push the waves into place with a little grooming crème on your fingertips, and finish with hairspray to hold in place.
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    Voila! Hand your client a martini; she’s swingin’ with retro style!

    Want to modernize the look? Terrie suggests using your fingers to style the look instead of a brush to get more of a textured look. Click on to see a side view!

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