How-Tos > Hair Color > Guy Tang Hair Battle! How-To: Galaxy Goddess
Last updated: March 29, 2018

Guy Tang Hair Battle! How-To: Galaxy Goddess

open color formula
close formula
  • Formula A:

    Kenra Color Lightener and Olaplex

  • Formula B:

    Kenra Color Rapid Toner SV + VP + 9-volume Activator

  • Formula C:

    1 oz. Kenra Color Demi-Permanent 7SM, 1/2 oz. Blue Booster, 1/2 oz. Violet Booster, a dot of Demi-Permanent 1A, and 4 oz. 9-volume Activator

  • Formula D:

    7SM + 8SM + 9-volume Activator + 1 inch Blue Booster

  • Formula E:

    7SM + 8SM + 9-volume Activator + 1 inch Violet Booster

  • Formula F:

    7SM + 8SM + 9-volume Activator + 1 inch Red Booster + Dot of Blue Booster

When the Guy Tang Hair Battle came around, Tiffany Galaviz @tiffjuanaglam knew exactly how she was going to master her galaxy-inspired color creation, and of course, BTC was there for every moment. As the only stylist who chose a blonde model to start with, Tiff knew her goal from the very beginning—create the cleanest palette possible and build a metallic masterpiece from there.


When we asked her how it was going during the nine hours she was working on her model, her answer was clear and emotional. “This is most beautiful canvas I’ve ever created in my life…and it happened on the best day it could,” Tiff revealed. Check out Tiff’s insane color transformation, complete with color formulas and a how-to!

Colorist: Tiffany Galaviz


  • Formula A:

    Kenra Color Lightener and Olaplex

  • Formula B:

    Kenra Color Rapid Toner SV + VP + 9-volume Activator

  • Formula C:

    1 oz. Kenra Color Demi-Permanent 7SM, 1/2 oz. Blue Booster, 1/2 oz. Violet Booster, a dot of Demi-Permanent 1A, and 4 oz. 9-volume Activator

  • Formula D:

    7SM + 8SM + 9-volume Activator + 1 inch Blue Booster

  • Formula E:

    7SM + 8SM + 9-volume Activator + 1 inch Violet Booster

  • Formula F:

    7SM + 8SM + 9-volume Activator + 1 inch Red Booster + Dot of Blue Booster


  • open color formula
    close formula
    • Formula A:

      Kenra Color Lightener and Olaplex

    • Formula B:

      Kenra Color Rapid Toner SV + VP + 9-volume Activator

    • Formula C:

      1 oz. Kenra Color Demi-Permanent 7SM, 1/2 oz. Blue Booster, 1/2 oz. Violet Booster, a dot of Demi-Permanent 1A, and 4 oz. 9-volume Activator

    • Formula D:

      7SM + 8SM + 9-volume Activator + 1 inch Blue Booster

    • Formula E:

      7SM + 8SM + 9-volume Activator + 1 inch Violet Booster

    • Formula F:

      7SM + 8SM + 9-volume Activator + 1 inch Red Booster + Dot of Blue Booster


    Prelighten the hair to a Level 10 all over using Formula A. Then apply Olaplex treatments, shampoo and towel-dry the hair.

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    Apply Formula B for about 8 minutes for more depth.

  • open color formula
    close formula
    • Formula A:

      Kenra Color Lightener and Olaplex

    • Formula B:

      Kenra Color Rapid Toner SV + VP + 9-volume Activator

    • Formula C:

      1 oz. Kenra Color Demi-Permanent 7SM, 1/2 oz. Blue Booster, 1/2 oz. Violet Booster, a dot of Demi-Permanent 1A, and 4 oz. 9-volume Activator

    • Formula D:

      7SM + 8SM + 9-volume Activator + 1 inch Blue Booster

    • Formula E:

      7SM + 8SM + 9-volume Activator + 1 inch Violet Booster

    • Formula F:

      7SM + 8SM + 9-volume Activator + 1 inch Red Booster + Dot of Blue Booster


    Shampoo and towel-dry the hair. Apply Kenra Color Porosity Equalizer prior to blow-drying the hair completely dry.

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    Using a Color Melting Technique (Learned from @vividartistichairdesign), take diagonal back sections in the back two quadrants, and diagonal back sections in the front two quadrants, alternate Formulas D, E, and F randomly to 1- to 2-inch subsections throughout the hair. Apply one color right where the shadow root ends (barely overlapping to melt) to a few inches down and then a different formula just below that, alternating applying just one formula on a complete strand, two formulas on a strand, and then sometimes all three on a strand.

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    Process for 25 minutes.

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    Shampoo, condition and towel-dry the hair.