Last updated: June 22, 2017
Embellished Gold Blonde from Redken
Embellished Gold Blonde from Redken
In this style from Redken, thick sections of warm and cool blonde are combined on the same head to create a look with amazing dimension and sophistication—great for accenting the short cut.
Formulas as shown on model:
Natural Level: 5
Base Formula 1
1 ½ oz. (45 ml) 7Gb Color Fusion
½ oz. (15 ml) 7Av Color Fusion
2 oz. (60 ml) 20-volume Pro-oxide Cream Developer
Base Formula 2
½ oz. (15 ml) 5Gb Color Fusion
½ oz. (15 ml) 5Gg Color Fusion
1 oz. (30 ml) 20-volume Pro-oxide Cream Developer
Glaze Formula 1
½ oz. (15 ml) 07G Saffron Shades EQ
½ oz. (15 ml) 09GB Butter Cream Shades EQ
1 oz. (30 ml) Shades EQ Processing Solution
Highlight Formula
1 scoop Up To 7 De-dusted Lightener
1 oz. (30 ml) 20-volume Pro-oxide Cream Developer
Formulas for hair with 50% or more gray replace:
Base Formula 1
2 oz. (60 ml) 7NGi Cover Fusion
2 oz. (60 ml) 20-volume Pro-oxide Cream Developer
Base Formula 2
1 oz. (30 ml) 5NGb Cover Fusion
1 oz. (30 ml) 5NG Cover Fusion
2 oz. (60 ml) 20-volume Pro-oxide Cream Developer
Create three triangles on top. Divide the front from the back by taking a vertical part that starts at the high point of the head and ends at the top of each ear. From the high point, divide the left from the right with a center part.
Return to the high point, and take a diagonal parting that ends at the outside corner of the right eye. This is section 2.
On the right side, and take a horizontal part that starts at the outside corner of the right eye and ends at the vertical part above the ear. The top right triangle is section 1.
Repeat on the left side to create Section 3.
Start in Section 3, the left side. Begin by taking ¼-inch horizontal slice from the bottom of the section. Apply Highlight Formula from scalp to ends—do not cover with a foil. Continue taking ¼-inch slices, directing hair to the same foil and apply. When section is complete, cover with foil.
Move to Section 1, the right triangle. Take ¼-inch section and weave using a standard stitch, apply Base Formula 1 from scalp to ends. Complete the section.
For Section 2, the center triangle, take ¼-inch back to back slices, direct hair to the foil on the right side and apply Base Formula 2 from scalp to ends. Continue taking ¼-inch slices and directing hair to the same foil until complete. Cover with foil.
Apply Base Formula 2 to all remaining hair not in triangle sections.
Process Sections 1 and 2 for 35 minutes and rinse. Process Section 3 for up to 50 minutes or until pale yellow. Rinse and shampoo with Extreme.
Blast dry and recreate the original sections.
Apply Glaze Formula 1 to Section 3 using ¼-inch sections. Apply from scalp to ends and cover with foil to protect.
Apply Glaze Formula 2 to all remaining hair. Use fine ¼-inch sections, directing all hair away from the face for a neat application.
Process at room temperature for 20 minutes. Rinse and shampoo with Color Extend. Follow with the appropriate Redken Chemistry Shot Phase and Shot Phix.