How-Tos > Hair Color > Desert Rose Halo Melt
Last updated: March 02, 2018

Desert Rose Halo Melt

open color formula
close formula
  • Formula A:

    Matrix SOCOLOR Cult Semi-Permanent Blooming Orchid + Starfish Coral

  • Formula B:

    Starfish Coral + Black

  • Formula C:

    Bubblegum Pink + Starfish Coral

Desert Rose Halo Melt

Muted dusty colors with tone-on-tone accents are going to be big in 2018—and this color from Caitlin Ford (@caitlinfordhair), a BTC team member from St. Louis, Mo., brings both of those to life. Using, the new Matrix SOCOLOR Cult color line and a horizontal halo placement technique, Caitlin created a hue that’s perfect for your color-forward clients or your gals who want to spice things up for festival season. Here’s how to recreate this dusty desert rose.

Manufacturer: Matrix, @matrix


  • Formula A:

    Matrix SOCOLOR Cult Semi-Permanent Blooming Orchid + Starfish Coral

  • Formula B:

    Starfish Coral + Black

  • Formula C:

    Bubblegum Pink + Starfish Coral

Products Used


  • open color formula
    close formula
    • Formula A:

      Matrix SOCOLOR Cult Semi-Permanent Blooming Orchid + Starfish Coral

    • Formula B:

      Starfish Coral + Black

    • Formula C:

      Bubblegum Pink + Starfish Coral


    To start, release a 1-inch section around the entire perimeter of the head forming a halo from the nape to the front hairline. This will be the base (or foundation) of the sectioning pattern. Continue releasing 1-inch sections from this halo until reaching the crown of the head.

  • open color formula
    close formula
    • Formula A:

      Matrix SOCOLOR Cult Semi-Permanent Blooming Orchid + Starfish Coral

    • Formula B:

      Starfish Coral + Black

    • Formula C:

      Bubblegum Pink + Starfish Coral


    Starting at the front and working around the head, apply Formula A into Formula B into Formula C. Then leave out a stripe of blonde, and continue coloring in the same pattern—Formula A into Formula B into Formula C. Be mindful of the angle of your lines and the shape they will create in the finish. 


    Use a balayage board behind a meche strip to provide a stable surface to press the color into the hair and ensure saturation.

  • open color formula
    close formula
    • Formula A:

      Matrix SOCOLOR Cult Semi-Permanent Blooming Orchid + Starfish Coral

    • Formula B:

      Starfish Coral + Black

    • Formula C:

      Bubblegum Pink + Starfish Coral


    Continue applying the color around the head, and remember that partings should be taken on a steep diagonal. Once the working section is colored, place it down on top of the previous-colored section to saturate the back.

  • open color formula
    close formula
    • Formula A:

      Matrix SOCOLOR Cult Semi-Permanent Blooming Orchid + Starfish Coral

    • Formula B:

      Starfish Coral + Black

    • Formula C:

      Bubblegum Pink + Starfish Coral


    Work around and up the head, continuing to be mindful of how the lines are connecting. Use meche as needed to separate and prevent the pattern from becoming too steep.

  • open color formula
    close formula
    • Formula A:

      Matrix SOCOLOR Cult Semi-Permanent Blooming Orchid + Starfish Coral

    • Formula B:

      Starfish Coral + Black

    • Formula C:

      Bubblegum Pink + Starfish Coral


    Continue coloring. 

  • open color formula
    close formula
    • Formula A:

      Matrix SOCOLOR Cult Semi-Permanent Blooming Orchid + Starfish Coral

    • Formula B:

      Starfish Coral + Black

    • Formula C:

      Bubblegum Pink + Starfish Coral


    Repeat the previous steps until color is fully applied, double check for saturation, process 30 minutes and rinse in very cold water. Finally, shampoo, pre-condition and condition with Total Results The Re-Bond 3-Step Strength Rehab System

  • open color formula
    close formula
    • Formula A:

      Matrix SOCOLOR Cult Semi-Permanent Blooming Orchid + Starfish Coral

    • Formula B:

      Starfish Coral + Black

    • Formula C:

      Bubblegum Pink + Starfish Coral


    Finished look. 

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