How-Tos > Blonde > Classic Ice-Blonde Highlights from Matrix
Last updated: June 15, 2017

Classic Ice-Blonde Highlights from Matrix

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Classic Ice-Blonde Highlights from Matrix

This circular burst of ice-blonde highlights with just a hint of violet create sand-swept shimmers. Here’s the complete how-to, courtesy of Matrix.


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    Natural Level 7

    FORMULA A: 1 scoop of V-Light De-Dusted Lightener + 1 oz. 20 Volume SOLITE Cream Developer
    FORMULA B: 1 oz. SOCOLOR UL-V + 2 oz. 40 Volume SOLITE Cream Developer
    FORMULA C: 1 oz. Color Sync SPV + 1 oz. 9 Volume Color Sync Activator

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    2 a. Create a horse shoe shaped section just above the parietal ridge. This will be section 3.
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    3 b. Divide the back section in half by creating a horizontal parting from the top of the right ear to the top of the left ear. These will become sections 1 and 2.
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    4 1. Release section 1. Beginning on the left, create diagonal slice ½ inch behind the hairline. Apply 1 scoop of V-Light De-Dusted Lightener + 1 oz. 20 Volume SOLITE Cream Developer from scalp to ends. Continue working in section 1 leaving ½ inch space between foils until section is complete.
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    2. Release section 2. Beginning on the right, create diagonal slice 1 inch behind the hairline. Apply 1 scoop of V-Light De-Dusted Lightener + 1 oz. 20 Volume SOLITE Cream Developer from scalp to ends, leaving ½ inch space between the foil until section is complete.


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    6 3. Release section 3. Working from the high point of head, pivot foils starting from right eye continue working to left working counterclockwise. Take thin slice, place in foil apply 1 scoop of V-Light De-Dusted Lightener + 1 oz. 20 Volume SOLITE Cream Developer from scalp to ends.
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    4. Working counter clockwise, leave a 1 inch space between foils. Complete section 3.

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    8 5. Working in section 3, apply 1 oz. SOCOLOR UL-V + 2 oz. 40 Volume SOLITE Cream Developer from mid-lengths and ends of hair that is left between foils. Pull hair directly out from the scalp maintaining even tension. Make sure to completely saturate mid-lengths and ends.
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    9 6. Holding brush vertically, blend color up to the scalp area. This will create a soft diffused line. Process accordingly at room temperature. Cleanse and towel dry.
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    10 7. Apply 1 oz. Color Sync SPV + 1 oz. 9 Volume Color Sync Activator from scalp to ends. Process accordingly. Cleanse and condition with Biolage colorcarethérapie Delicate Care Shampoo and Conditioner.
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    11 a. On damp hair, comb into natural fall. Create triangle section from the high point of head to outside corner of each eye. This is the fringe, section 1. Clip and secure.
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    b. Part from high point of the head to just behind the ears on both sides. Clip and secure sides. These are sections 2 and 3.

    c. Comb section 4 smooth.

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    13 1a. Release fringe section 1.Create a 1 inch horizontal sub-section and comb hair straight down. Starting in center,using C.R.A.F.T. Cutting technique of Comb Control, cut to desired length.
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    1b. Over-direct sides of fringe towards center and cut to maintain length. Continue taking 1 inch horizontal subsections until complete.


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    15 2a. Release section 2. Using guide from the outside corner of fringe section, take 1 inch diagonal sub-section. Comb the section forward and cut using 45 degree finger angle to blend with fringe.
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    16 2b. Continue working through section 2. Repeat in section 3.
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    17 3. Move to section 4. Divide section into half for control. Take diagonal parting from above the right ear to center of nape. This parting will mirror parting in step 2a. Direct the hair forward, using longest piece from section 2 as guide. Cut using 45 degree angle. Continue working through section 4, repeating on both sides.