Formulas > Hair Color > Transformation: Ice Blonde

Transformation: Ice Blonde

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  • Natural Level:


  • Formula A:

    2 oz. BLONDOR Multi Blonde Powder + 4 oz. Koleston Perfect 40-volume + 1/4 oz. Olaplex + 2 packets of Sweet & Low

  • Formula B:

    2 oz. BLONDOR Multi Blonde Powder + 6 oz. Koleston Perfect 20-volume + 1/4 oz. Olaplex

  • Formula C:

    2 oz. Color Touch 10/81 + 4 oz. Color Touch 6-volume

No blonde wants a side of brass with her blonde. She want’s a perfectly blended color, every time. When Tia Logan’s client came in requesting a lighter, white-blonde shade, without all the brass, she was up for the challenge. “I was so excited when she sat in my chair because my she had amazing hair,” shares Tia. “As soon as I saw her hair, I instantly thought of Elsa from Frozen, so that’s the direction I went.” Here’s how to achieve her, icy, cool blonde result.

Who Did It

Colorist: Tia Logan


  • Natural Level:


  • Formula A:

    2 oz. BLONDOR Multi Blonde Powder + 4 oz. Koleston Perfect 40-volume + 1/4 oz. Olaplex + 2 packets of Sweet & Low

  • Formula B:

    2 oz. BLONDOR Multi Blonde Powder + 6 oz. Koleston Perfect 20-volume + 1/4 oz. Olaplex

  • Formula C:

    2 oz. Color Touch 10/81 + 4 oz. Color Touch 6-volume


1. Apply Formula A to regrowth starting 1/2-inch from the scalp, treating it as a virgin hair application.


2. Apply Formula A to the rest of the regrowth and process until it is lifted to match the color of the midlengths and ends.


3. Apply Formula B to the midlengths and ends. Lift until hair is an even Level 10 all over without using any heat. Make sure to check the hair often to ensure the integrity of the hair is maintained.


4. Rinse hair thoroughly and towel-dry.


5. Apply Formula C from roots to ends and process for 20 minutes.


6. Rinse thoroughly and apply Olaplex No. 2 Bond Perfector from roots to ends and process for 10 minutes.


7. Shampoo, condition, blow-dry and flat iron the hair.