Formulas > Hair Color > Pretty In Pink Ombré

Pretty In Pink Ombré

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  • Formula A:

    Fanola Bleach Powder Violet + Fanola Fiber Fixs

  • Formula B:

    27g of bleach + 60g 30-volume developer + 10g Fanola Fiber Fixs

  • Formula C:

    Schwarzkopf Professional IGORA ROYAL 6.89 + 20-volume developer

  • Formula D:

    60g Schwarzkopf IGORA ROYAL PEARLESCENCE 9.5-89 + 3g Schwarzkopf IGORA ROYAL 0.89 + 120g 7-volume developer + 10g Fanola Fiber Fixs

So your client has tried little accents of color here and there, but now she’s ready to rock a fashion color full out. If she has her eye on a pink hue, why not try out this feminine yet fierce pink ombré, courtesy of Sammi Wang (@sammiiwang), a stylist at Ceci Studio in Rosemead, Calif.? With more than 8,000 likes on Instagram, we had to reach out to Sammi for the how-to details. Check it out! 


Who Did It

Colorist: Sammi Wang


  • Formula A:

    Fanola Bleach Powder Violet + Fanola Fiber Fixs

  • Formula B:

    27g of bleach + 60g 30-volume developer + 10g Fanola Fiber Fixs

  • Formula C:

    Schwarzkopf Professional IGORA ROYAL 6.89 + 20-volume developer

  • Formula D:

    60g Schwarzkopf IGORA ROYAL PEARLESCENCE 9.5-89 + 3g Schwarzkopf IGORA ROYAL 0.89 + 120g 7-volume developer + 10g Fanola Fiber Fixs


1. Start by prelightening the hair with Formula A. Then, apply Formula B and process for 45 minutes.


2. Rinse the hair with Fanola Fiber Fix Shampoo and apply Fanola Fiber Fix n2 Bond Connector for 10 minutes.


3. Apply Formula C to the roots first and wait 10 minutes. Then apply Formula C to the ends and wait another 10 minutes. Blend the roots and ends together.


4. Process for another 15 minutes, wash and style as desired.