Formulas > Hair Color > Instagram Can’t Get Over This Copper Transformation

Instagram Can’t Get Over This Copper Transformation

Transformation Instagram @studio_marteena Davines Copper Gold Transformation Formulas Application Steps
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  • Formula A (roots)

    Davines Mask With Vibrachrom 7 + 7.4 + 10-volume developer (1:1)

  • Formula B (mids to ends)

    Davines Mask With Vibrachrom 10.23 + 7.4 + 20-volume developer (2:1)

If you’re looking for evidence that a color transformation has the power to change lives, THIS IS IT 👏 When BTC reposted this before and after pic on Instagram, it was double-tapped more than 35k times—so who’s behind the chair? Czech stylist Martina Odstrčilová (@studio_marteena) took her client from a long, grown-out blonde to this copper gold bombshell. Keep scrollin’ for the formulas and application steps below!


Check out the viral post on BTC’s Instagram below! 

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Who Did It

Colorist: Martina Odstrcilova

Products Used


  • Formula A (roots)

    Davines Mask With Vibrachrom 7 + 7.4 + 10-volume developer (1:1)

  • Formula B (mids to ends)

    Davines Mask With Vibrachrom 10.23 + 7.4 + 20-volume developer (2:1)


1. Start by applying Formula A to the root area.


2. Process for 10 minutes. Then, apply Formula B blending from mids to ends.


3. Process everything for 20 minutes, then rinse.


4. Wash with Davines Alchemic Copper Shampoo to maintain and enhance red tones. 


5. Rinse and blow-dry. Create a middle part and style with undone waves directed away from the face. 


Instagram via @studio_marteena