Formulas > Hair Color > Hand-Painted Golden Blonde

Hand-Painted Golden Blonde

By Michelle Stevenson

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  • Formula A:

    GKhair Juvexin Lightening Powder+ + 20-volume developer

  • Formula B:

    GKhair Miami Beach Bombshell Clay Lightening Powder + 40-volume developer

  • Formula C:

    GKhair Juvexin Lightening Cream + 20-volume developer

  • Formula D (root toner):

    3N + 6T + Processing Solution

  • Formula E (midlengths toner):

    9V + 9T + Processing Solution

  • Formula F (ends toner):

    9V + 9T + Clear + Processing Solution

Getting her to the blonde of her dreams can be a process, but with a pay off like this hand-painted golden blonde it’s definitely worth it. So how exactly did BTC Team Member Michelle Stevenson (@michellehair) create this soft, warm-toned shade? (Hint: Multiple sessions and three different lightening formulas.) Keep reading to get her color formulas and application steps!


Who Did It

Manufacturer: GKhair, @gkhair

Products Used


  • Formula A:

    GKhair Juvexin Lightening Powder+ + 20-volume developer

  • Formula B:

    GKhair Miami Beach Bombshell Clay Lightening Powder + 40-volume developer

  • Formula C:

    GKhair Juvexin Lightening Cream + 20-volume developer

  • Formula D (root toner):

    3N + 6T + Processing Solution

  • Formula E (midlengths toner):

    9V + 9T + Processing Solution

  • Formula F (ends toner):

    9V + 9T + Clear + Processing Solution


1. On the first visit, full surface paint with Formula A. Let process, then rinse. “Her newly lightened pieces were too gold and needed a second process, but we wanted to give her hair a break for a couple of weeks,” noted Michelle.


2. At the second visit, full surface paint with Formula B and process at room temp for 45 minutes.


3. Rinse, then apply Formula C where needed to even out the lightness.


4. Wash the hair with GKhair Color Protection Moisturizing Shampoo and Conditioner, then tone the roots with Formula C, the midlengths with Formula D and the ends with Formula E. Process for 20 minutes.


5. Rinse, then condition again with GKhair Color Protection Conditioner. Blow-dry, style as desired and send her home with a toning mousse for in-bewteen visits.