Formulas > Hair Color > Fuchsia Color Melt

Fuchsia Color Melt

By Alexander Scott

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  • Formula A

    Redken Free Hand Blonde Idol Creamy Lightener + 40-volume developer + Olaplex No.1

  • Formula B

    Redken Color Fusion 3VR + 10-volume developer

  • Formula C

    PRAVANA Vivids Custom Blend Violet + Wild Orchid

  • Formula D

    PRAVANA Vivids Wild Orchid

  • Formula E

    PRAVANA Vivids Custom Blend Wild Orchid + Magenta + Red

  • Formula F

    PRAVANA Vivids Custom Blend Wild Orchid + Pink + Red

  • Formula G

    PRAVANA Vivids Custom Blend Magenta + Pink

Kick your fall color melts up a notch by adding a trendy violet tone à la this look by Alexander Scott (@alexanderscotthair). Alexander was nominated for a #ONESHOT award for Color Melt Shot of the Year for this stunning fuchsia blend. Here’s his formula and process.


Total chair time: 5 hours


Pricing: $660


Who Did It

Artist: Alexander Scott
Colorist: Alexander Scott
Manufacturer: PRAVANA, @pravana; Redken, @redken

Products Used


  • Formula A

    Redken Free Hand Blonde Idol Creamy Lightener + 40-volume developer + Olaplex No.1

  • Formula B

    Redken Color Fusion 3VR + 10-volume developer

  • Formula C

    PRAVANA Vivids Custom Blend Violet + Wild Orchid

  • Formula D

    PRAVANA Vivids Wild Orchid

  • Formula E

    PRAVANA Vivids Custom Blend Wild Orchid + Magenta + Red

  • Formula F

    PRAVANA Vivids Custom Blend Wild Orchid + Pink + Red

  • Formula G

    PRAVANA Vivids Custom Blend Magenta + Pink


Starting level: 6, previous red/orange color


1. Section the hair into quadrants. Beginning in the back, use a balayage technique in diagonal forward sections with no hair in between the sections to create an ombré look.


2. Continue to the front, and process for 45 minutes. Hair was left natural for the first 3 to 4 inches. Lift to a yellow/orange in the midlengths and yellow on the ends.


3. Rinse and apply Olaplex No.2, and process for 10 minutes. Shampoo and blow-dry.


4. Apply Formula B to the base and the first 3 to 4 inches of the hair, blending outward with a color brush.


5. After the base color has been applied, apply Formulas C, D, E, F and G, starting in the nape and blending from darker at the base to lighter toward the ends.


6. Below the occipital, use Formulas C and D. Above the occipital, begin to incorporate more of the lighter formulas (D and F) into some sections, always blending from the darkest color to the lightest.


7. Above the parietal ridge, begin to incorporate Formula G. In each section, blend 2 to 4 formulas to create variation in the color melt.


8. Around the face, blend from dark to light, starting close to the root. to create a brighter effect using Formulas D, F and G.


9. Process for 30 minutes, rinse with cool water and style.