Formulas > Hair Color > Flamethrower Color Formula
Last updated: April 23, 2018

Flamethrower Color Formula

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  • Formula A (prelighten):

    Paul Mitchell The Color Permanent Cream Hair Color HLG Highlift
    Gold Blonde + 40-volume cream developer (If needed, double 40-volume can be used).

  • Formula B:

    1 oz. Paul Mitchell Dual-Purpose Lightener + 1 oz. 10-volume cream developer + 1 oz. Paul Mitchell Shampoo One

  • Formula C:

    2 bottles Paul Mitchell Inkworks Red + 2 bottles Paul Mitchell Inkworks Hot Pink + 1 dot of Paul Mitchell Inkworks Yellow

This color is so hot, you might have to pull the fire alarm! Created by BTC Member Olesia Vabishchevich of Elle Vie Salon in Winter Park, FL, this smokin’ hot hue is a surefire way to turn some heads. Get her formula below, and be sure to check out her helpful tips on how to make this brilliant color last! 


Helpful Tips to Keep in Mind
• To perfect the red color, Olesia first mixed the formula, then applied a dab to a white towel and showed her client to make sure it was the color she wanted. If needed, she would add more hot pink or yellow to the red until she achieved the desired color.


• If you apply red color to hair that is too light, the color barely has any pigment to hold onto, so it will fade quickly. “Red loves to live in levels 5-7,” says Olesia. “A lot of the time we think the canvas has to be as blonde as possible, but that’s not always the case.”


• Be sure to educate all your clients on what will make their color last longer after they leave the salon. Olesia recommends Paul Mitchell’s Awapuhi Wild Ginger Moisturizing Lather Shampoo and Awapuhi Wild Ginger Keratin Cream Rinse and Paul Mitchell Color Protect Locking Spray, both of which extend the life of haircolor. “Write out a prescription because you are a hair doctor,” says Olesia.


Who Did It

Colorist: Olesia Vabishchevich


  • Formula A (prelighten):

    Paul Mitchell The Color Permanent Cream Hair Color HLG Highlift
    Gold Blonde + 40-volume cream developer (If needed, double 40-volume can be used).

  • Formula B:

    1 oz. Paul Mitchell Dual-Purpose Lightener + 1 oz. 10-volume cream developer + 1 oz. Paul Mitchell Shampoo One

  • Formula C:

    2 bottles Paul Mitchell Inkworks Red + 2 bottles Paul Mitchell Inkworks Hot Pink + 1 dot of Paul Mitchell Inkworks Yellow


1. Prelighten to a Level 7 using Formula A and process for 45 minutes, then rinse.

2. Apply Formula B from midshaft to ends, making sure the tone is even throughout. Process for seven minutes and rinse.

3. Shampoo with Paul Mitchell Color Protect Post Color Shampoo.

4. Blow-dry and apply Formula C. Process for 25 minutes and rinse with cold water.

5. Shampoo using Paul Mitchell Shampoo One and a detangler.