Formulas > Hair Color > Fall Hair Crush
Last updated: January 12, 2018

Fall Hair Crush

By Diana Vivilecchia

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  • Formula A (prelighten)

    Revlon Professional Revlonissimo Blonde Up + 30-volume developer + Olaplex No.1

  • Formula B (roots to mids toner)

    Revlon Professional Revlonissimo Colorsmetique 9.2 + 9.01 + 9.0 + 6-volume developer

  • Formula C (mids to ends and money piece toner)

    Colorsmetique 10.0 + 9.2 + .02 + 10-volume developer

It’s official—we found our fall hair crush, and it’s DEFINITELY this high-contrast ombré with a deep, rich base that melts into a bright blonde. These fall hair vibes are courtesy of colorist Diana Vivilecchia (@dvcolour) and stylist Adriana Fiorio (@justcanthairenough). Here’s the color formula and how-to.


Total chair time: 5 hours


Pricing: $400


Who Did It

Artist: Diana Vivilecchia
Colorist: Diana Vivilecchia


  • Formula A (prelighten)

    Revlon Professional Revlonissimo Blonde Up + 30-volume developer + Olaplex No.1

  • Formula B (roots to mids toner)

    Revlon Professional Revlonissimo Colorsmetique 9.2 + 9.01 + 9.0 + 6-volume developer

  • Formula C (mids to ends and money piece toner)

    Colorsmetique 10.0 + 9.2 + .02 + 10-volume developer


1. Apply Formula A to 1½-inch diagonal back sections. Tease each section slightly before surface-painting alternating Vs and Ws and saturating 3 inches from the ends.


2. Foilayage the whole head, incubating everything in foil to ensure maximum lift. 


3. In the last section (the nape to the crown), increase the developer level to 40-volume.


4. Process for 45 minutes, adding heat for the last 5 minutes. Rinse and comb smooth.


5. Apply Formula C to the first two inches around the hairline for maximum brightness around the face.


6. Apply Formula B to the remaining hair (from the roots to the midlengths). Process for 5 minutes, then apply Formula C from the midlengths through the ends. Process for 5 minutes, then rinse.


7. Apply Olaplex No.2, and process for 10 minutes. Rinse, shampoo with Revlonissimo Post Color Shampoo and condition with Revlon Nutri Colour Creme 1002.