Formulas > Hair Color > Beige Blend + Face-Contouring Babylights

Beige Blend + Face-Contouring Babylights

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  • Formula A (babylights around hairline):

    Revlon Professional™ Revlonissimo Blonde Up + 20-volume developer + Olaplex No.1

  • Formula B (babylights and V-sections):

    Revlonissimo Blonde Up + 30-volume developer + Olaplex No.1

  • Formula C (V-sections in back):

    Revlonissimo Blonde Up + 40-volume developer + Olaplex No.1

  • Formula D (roots to mids toner):

    Colorsmetique 8.12 + 7.01 + 10-volume developer

  • Formula E (mids to ends toner):

    Colorsmetique 9.2 + 9.1 + 10.01 + 10-volume developer

The best balayages are paired with face-contouring ribbons of light—like this bright and bold effect painted by Diana Vivilecchia (@dvcolour)! That’s why we’re dishing out Diana’s formulas and techniques, so you can slay the blend and recreate this gorge haircolor! Check it all out below.


Who Did It

Colorist: Diana Vivilecchia

Products Used


  • Formula A (babylights around hairline):

    Revlon Professional™ Revlonissimo Blonde Up + 20-volume developer + Olaplex No.1

  • Formula B (babylights and V-sections):

    Revlonissimo Blonde Up + 30-volume developer + Olaplex No.1

  • Formula C (V-sections in back):

    Revlonissimo Blonde Up + 40-volume developer + Olaplex No.1

  • Formula D (roots to mids toner):

    Colorsmetique 8.12 + 7.01 + 10-volume developer

  • Formula E (mids to ends toner):

    Colorsmetique 9.2 + 9.1 + 10.01 + 10-volume developer


1. Apply Formula A and create teasy babylights around the hairline, starting 2 inches back and leaving no hair out in between foils.


2. On the rest of the hair, alternate between two techniques—paint the surface of the hair on two V-sections, then create one teasy babylight. Repeat this pattern throughout. Diana recommends saturating the last 2 inches of hair at the ends, and using foils throughout for maximum lift.


3. On both sides of the head, apply Formula B on V-sections and babylights.


4. Throughout the back, apply Formula C on V-sections and Formula B on babylights.


5. Process for 50 minutes, then rinse and comb through.


6. Apply Formula D from roots to midshaft, leaving out the hairline. Then, apply Formula E from midshaft to ends, and on the front hairline from roots to ends. Process for 10 minutes, then rinse.


7. Apply Olaplex No.2. Process for 15 minutes, then rinse.


8. Shampoo and condition with Revlon Professional™ Nutri Color Creme 1002